More auto food for thought

That made me :crackup a little bit.

Cadillac did set the record… in 2009. Only to have it beaten twice since then. Might wanna check things that are current rather than using issues of Motor Trend from when you were in middle school for your source.


You literally know nothing about lap times, racing, or anything of that sort. Stick to polishing your Ranger’s lug nuts and reading Motor Trend.

Well until another country makes a car that I feel is better, I don’t think I’ll be straying away from the German vehicles. Again, I said “I feel is better” meaning my own personal opinion, not some of Motor Trend’s writers’.

EDIT: HEY GUYS, found this article that said the M3 was the best handling car in America!!!

It beat out the Ferrari F355, Corvette, Supra, NSX, 911 Carrera, and even a Honda Prelude Type S! HOT OFF THE PRESS!