More auto food for thought

I think i just lost the little respect i still had left for you.

i’ll point out a couple paragraphs for you:

Cadillac’s new CTS-V currently holds the record (with a time of 7:59.32) as the fastest production sedan on stock tires around the Nurburgring Nordschleife.

**my comment: the BMW doesnt hold the track record IN IT’S OWN COUNTRY.

Yet where it really matters, as a performance sedan, the CTS-V soundly spanks the M5. It’s quicker in a straight line, handles better, steers better, even rides better (credit those amazing, multitalented magnetorheological shocks).

Read more:

Go ahead Cossey, read the article.

you stepped onto the wrong side of the track young fella.

Cossey’s a eurowhore. the 911, the X5, i think there’s something else, but i dont remember what it was.

My point exactly.




Dude, your 16. Have you ever touched, seen under/inside, worked on, driven, riden in, or dealt with ANY of the cars you mentioned (CTS-V, 911, X5, 5…) or just e-bench race your way into the conversation?

All those cars are completely different animals, in completely different ways. And he has a 997, not 911.

No offense to Cavy who just picked up the CTS-V… but its a GM. Naturally it has a higher hurdle to jump over, performance, REPEATABILITY, and RELIABILITY ways. Price point proves it, IMO. You buy a BMW because all the little things GM skimped on BMW didnt. Fine and dandy if the stamped control arm caddy, and stamped & spot welded subframed GM cars can keep up or even pass the forged and cast aluminum bits of metal the BMW’s used instead. Enjoy the squeaky bushings in the winter time, the clunks in the suspension after 60K, lack of sound deadening here and there… There is a reason there are a shit ton of aftermarket “better” parts for those platforms, than the BMW cars… they are fixing what the factory failed to do.

Anything can preform in on a track or in a magazine to make a point. When you start dealing with and living with the different ones… the little points jump out.

So many twists and turns in this thread.

When is the full circle coming where MPG of both the CTS-V and M5 are brought up.

I would take Cosseys 996 911 for a daily. Gets decent MPGs.

#2; who gives a fuck about the 'Ring? My truck never lapped the Nurburgring but I bought it anyway. It’s just American manufacturers ability to get their dick wet in Germany and say they can do something better than German manufacturers. It does nothing for my new vehicle purchases. Is BMW going to try breaking records at Daytona?



I care about 'ring times when purchasing a new vehicle because I drive like I’m on the Nurburgring on my way to work everyday.

The M5 JUST beat Dick Trickles lap time around Daytona. What do you say to that :skid


I wassss going to buy a 1995 ford windstar… but they didn’t test it on the ring.

It’d be repo’ed if your parents kicked you out.

who said anyone should base their purchases on 'Ring times? i sure didnt. im only stating that an american car set a record, on a german track, that a german car couldnt beat.

Nurburgring times mean jack shit to someone buying the car, at least to me anyway.

Nissan was accused of using a ringer when they lapped the Nurburgring in the GTR. Ferrari, the same.

im just saying, it’s pretty impressive.

How do you know that CTS-V was a lot car and not a 700RWHP ringer?

because it was on stock tires for fuck’s sake.

This kid is ridiculous :skid