More news/proof that people are leaving NY

Plus students contribute MASSIVELY to the economy. Just ask businesses in Amherst near UB.

unfortunately, we just dont have a strong job market for EVERY industry. im not sure what you do, but im assuming thats the case.

basically, buffalo is a booming finance/accounting and healthcare/insurance city. still some strong manufacturing companies, but for the most part, there are a lot of jobs in the above industries/disciplines.

see UB downtown medical campus expansion projects :tup:

I am heading back to school this fall for a BS in Resort Management and want to focus specifically on mountain resort/ski resort management. Sure I could come back and get a job at Holiday Valley, but that would be a major step backwards after doing 3 years of internships and cooperatives at larger mountain resorts in Vermont.

Oh the money to be made outside of Buffalo in the IT industry…

$$$$ I wouldn’t move out of buffalo unless someone offered me crazy money…which I may be able to get in Michigan if I want to live there…we will see… but for now I am staying put here