July 27, 2011, 8:39am
First of all if you truely gained 9 pounds of muscle in 1 month without aas good fucking work, its almost unheard of. Noxplode is a preworkout supp that pretty much is just meant to give you the energy you need to go hard during your workout… It has nitric oxide in it but its all garbage… Save your $30 and go to price chopper and stock up on 100mg caffein pills… Pop 1-2 20 minutes before a workout and youll be a fucking monster!
As far as shakes go, take em whenever you can but the two most important times are within 15 minutes of waking up in the morning and 15 minutes after working out. Upon waking up your body is starving and eating away at your muscles, grab a quick shake to give your body something to feed on instead of your muscles youve worked so hard to pack on… Right after your workout your body is instantly in recovery mode, you wanna feed the muscles as much as humanly possible so they grow back bigger otherwise you preetttyyy much waisted your workout
going to have to start taking a shake as soon as i wake up, like before i really even get up for the day. I am oober hungry first thing, and it fades quickly.
so your telling me if you can sit down and eat a big dinner after a work out you are doing yourself a favor? as far as building muscle?