More workout talk (Split from purchase thread)

yes. and its pretty inexpensive if you sign up for a year at a time…

Why aren’t you a fan of the Niskayuna one? When I lived over that way I used to love going there. It’s clean and quiet (atleast when I went there). I never had to wait around to use dumb bells over there. I feel like the Latham one is more of a social gathering place.


going to have to start taking a shake as soon as i wake up, like before i really even get up for the day. I am oober hungry first thing, and it fades quickly.

so your telling me if you can sit down and eat a big dinner after a work out you are doing yourself a favor? as far as building muscle?

thats like the only active ingredient in some of those expensive ‘fat burner’ pills like hydroxycut, if they even still make that shit.

This may take a bit…

I hate rubber weights and that’s all they have there.

I hate social gatherings at the gym, groups of kids working out together aka basically just
bs’ing or talking on their cell phones or checking out girls instead of actually working out.

It’s too clean… god forbid you use chalk there… and I’m not even sure people sweat there.

Typical high school aged staff there (from what i’ve seen) with the exeption of one female trainer who is on so much test she has become a man… no bs.

The dumbell section is so cramped that I literally almost hit the person next to me in the head with a dumbell last time I was there.

Horrible music, but that’s typical with any chain gym like Golds… not sure how I’m supposed to get fired up to some brittany spears while training.

That’s all I have time to think of right now… im supposed to be “working”… haha

Best post in this thread, period. ///

Agreed, Cobra Commander is smart in more ways than one.

Yea, im surprised. lol

gotcha, lol, i glanced at the thread but missed the numbers bro. sorry. the double i was talking about your combined deadlift and bench press. no biggie

My double is 965lbs.

^lmao oh yeahhhh???

never understood why people do that. I was always taught to go to ‘positive failure’ meaning that you do as many reps as it takes till you can’t do another one. Typically don’t do that on my first set tho, just pic a weight to warm up with.

I think starting with a lighter weight might help you. I do 135 for 12 to warm up, a set inbetween and then finish with 205 for as many as i can (two right now lol). I actually tipically don’t go to ‘failure’ on my first set, just pic a weight.

oddly enough, i always have a harder time with the bench machine and can’t do as much as i usually can with free weights.

I don’t know if that is really true for everyone. plus i’m guessing you are under 30 yrs old

depends on what your goals are for set/rep wise. size, strength, lean muscle and so on. 5x5’s, 5x3’s, 3x5’s or even 3x3’s are great for gaining strength and thickness. nowdays, 8(-12) reps can even be considered “high” depending how many reps you do, what your goal is and what lb’s your using in your sets since alot of powerlifting techniques have been brought into the workout world more often then they used to be

with that said, idk what pjb’s goals are besides to look like a strand of spaghetti

BENCH, SQUATS AND DEADS <------ just like that, from my PM with Dave lmao.

ill give you a text man, btw stopped at the walmart in rotterdam and the super walmart down the road from me and neither had caffeine pills…wtf :dunno

Yes, they did, they are sold under several different names but placed all next to each other…“No doze” is one name

Dude is so clueless it’s sad, sucks he won’t listen

just went out and bought some basic proteins and creatins and vitamins. got a whole bunch of shit thrown in there for free or discounted price. cant wait to start seeing some results in 4 weeks or so.

yup and the thing is, he works pretty hard, he give it a ton of effort and time