most of u probly wont like me but ill change

U HIT B INSTEAD OD D 092384094823 TIMES? the waving paint isnt from lack of wet sanding and buffing its from a poor prep and shitty paint

at least it’s not your DD, welcome and good luck

search my posts, I think I state something to that affect like once a week, I love when people post “Want to buy car >$3k” and they mean less that 3k…

i dont like you and i didnt even read what you wrote, jk. graphics, and clear taillights scream slow cooked white rice…

Ha Like I aid I didn’t have a choice with tail lights I was in a rush to get it home befor snow hit I bout them for 10 dollars off a friend. That and the paint was ppg for the base (shitty paint) but the stripes and clear are sherwin and williams that wasn’t cheap they screwed me big time!

And sry if u guys don’t like I’m just here to buy some turbo pieces get it in and leave. Ivebeen debatin tho to turbo or supercharge it let me know ur opinions


you say you’ll stop, but you just keep going on and on. this guy has a decent car and is trying to really learn something about it; there are about as many posts concerning his motor as there are about your makeup. quit talking about it and we will too. now please let this guy get advice!

Ha it could be worse I could have painted my car with a paint roller and then took my hub caps and painted them to lmao

You forgot to add more pics :slight_smile: Here let me help ya

if you ditch the sticker on the windshield, that car would look pretty decent from the front!

EDIT: clean civic.

Ok lets get this straight I bought the car like that with the tails and yes I through the sticker on. U would have bought this car to for 3000 with those tailights on there with only 35k on the dash The sticker isn’t on there anymore cause I grew up. I replaced with the clear lights with the clear and red lights i was rear ended and they were smashed i had to get it fixed… winner take all was a band I was in back in the day look it up in the music part of myspace to glive u proof soo befor u post crap off my myspace get ur facts striaght befor u post. Thanks

he didnt call you a faggot, you need to fucking relax.

you sound like you have some serious self worth issues or something.

you could have just come on and said hey whats up, i have a civic and i am interesting in modding it. not hey, i know you guys hate me already because im a ricer.

^this guy doesn’t like anybody

You’re still a ricer. NUFF’ said

man i wasn’t even hating on him, if i was hating >I< would have called him a faggot.

not gunna lie though, i hate a lot of people.

im just trying to say that you don’t have to set yourself up to be ragged on, get ragged on, then go on the rag about it.

wait. Who called who a faGGOT?

It could be far worse and did you say you used Sherwin williams paint for the stripes?

like House paint?

Anyways, get that shit off there, the stripes I mean, get some stock tails in it, and you should be good.

if anything the stripes are only going to attract unwanted attention from the cops and everyone else.

Ok I wil apologize for sayin that he called me a faggot I tried editing it but I’m on my sidekick right now and its hard readin stuff on this screen since the text is small. I apologize! I just heard from others that this site is strickly modin engine wise and that u guys feed off rices (for ex. The diablo kid) I want to mod my engine I’m done ricing my car I grew up ha. I just want to make friends, give me advice on my car and what I can do to help it…

i like this quote

Fucking werd.

Car looks clean, it looks better than half the shit on this site… but… opinions are like assholes… blah blah blah.
Also forgot to comment earlier, Mike and staff at Innovative Tunning will set you up.