Motion to ban major league baseball from existance

as is the same with baseball…
as a fielder, you may only need to have an idea as to where this guy likes to hit the ball, but you just have to be ready for anything. As a pitcher or catcher, you must know every single hitter on the other team. what their tendencies are… where they hit the ball, where they whif, what they prefer to do on a certain pitch count, and so on and so on… if that’s not preparation, what is? every game takes preparation - football, when the defense is on the field, the quaterback sits and looks at screen shots of shit - hockey, well i dont know shit about hockey, so i wont comment - baseball, you have to be prepared for anything when you walk out on the field

what i dont get, is you admit that you didnt play baseball past little league - so how can you say it takes very little preparation or very little physical strain? If it didnt, would steroids be such a problem, as they are?