Motivations for tailgating?

Not quite. I was looking to have a dialog with the tailgater’s mindset and knew that:

  1. It can’t happen with the tailgater at the time
  2. I wanted to see if my conclusions about the mindset was correct (they are)
  3. I knew that this site (of the 6 car forums that I visit daily) would most likely have the most folk that tailgate

It was a little surprising how long it took to get open, genuine statements.

Also, the “constant speed” statement wasn’t fully understood in a previous post - the constant speed concept is by driver and is not intended to mean that everyone drives the same constant speed. If you want to go 80, go 80 and stick to it. If you want to go 50, go 50 and stick to it. In that scenario (and yes, I spent 2 years living where this is exactly how it was done), left lane/right lane decisions make perfect sense and it obvious how long a car will be in the left lane to make a pass.

The drivers that drive 55, 65, 75, 65, 55, 65, 55, 65 in the course of 2 miles are the ones that make things more difficult than they need to be. That is the source of the constant speed statement…