motor mounts??

I have Hasport mounts in my Integra (Love them!) and I have had Prothane inserts in there before the Hasports (Hated them!) Anyways now the civic needs mounts anyone else have good experiences with any other companies???..


I have a place racing front motor/tranny mount and love it. too bad they are out of buisness though. you can find them on ebay used every once in awhile.

Innovative makes great mounts in both AL, and steel for bit lower cost. Avid makes some decent mounts as well. IIRC both companies allow you to choose which durometer you’d like, but I don’t think they allow you to pick two different durometers within a set of three, but I’m not sure about that.

Lots of people prefer a stiffer rear mount than sides…the stiff rear mount stops engine rocking, and the slightly softer drivers and pass mounts act to control movement while still retaining some of the vibration absorption of the stock rubber units (although not nearly as much as stock)

NRG makes a cheap rear engine damper. supple ride without too much rocking

anyone try those energy suspension inserts?

I run the inserts right now. OEM GSR mounts with Energy Suspension inserts in both main mounts and the rear one…replaced the torque mounts with the ITR part which is slightly higher durometer. Feels great to me, but I’m not holding 500whp either…so take that with a grain of salt

got ya…im no where near 500 on this pile this is just for a 96ex with a disco potatoe but i think the mounts are beat and am to cheap to spring for good ones since i already have a rat trap with the teg.

i ran just the inserts and it was fine on my old setup

best bang for the buck