Motor Trend tests new ZR1

ill force feed you cherry welch’s fruit snacks until you vomit

Fuck gushers…and you can buy the box of mixed fruit and i’ll freeload. ;D :umm


Please, no.

i like the no name brand fruit snacks the best. but i grew up kinda poor, so we didnt get gushers or fruit roll ups. we got price chopper brand.

:+1 And for the record, a well setup 700+whp civic is going to run better then 10.90s

The most intelligable thing you’ve said in this thread. You stated your opinion and since its subjective no one can argue that. Its just when some of these come on here saying it IS a POS. Which in most places you could possibly get beat up for saying. IMO.

hmm yup. i saw some pretty mundane looking civics running 9.80s at etown with slicks and skinnies…


if by 0.1 seconds, smokin means 1.0 seconds faster, then sure, ill let that slide


Or the “street” integra running 8’s :ohnoes

ahh t1, somewhere around 900whp i believe :eek

Here is something that makes you think a little:

Lets use a hypothetical. Lets say you have to choose between getting either a stock 600HP Corvette that at the moment has one of the fastest times in the world in the ring and in stock form, OR a stock 600HP Civic.(If it were possible to even make a stock 600HP civic with no bolt ons other than a supercharger and maybe an exhaust. Which its not. Which is why this is hypothetical). Which would you choose?

Yup. Not the civic.


you guys dont get what im saying…

your taking a highly moddified car, and comparing it to a bone stock car running a tad bit faster, and now all of a sudden the stock car isnt impressive, its a POS yada yada…and your highly modified car can only use its power in a straight line…stick it in the ring and all of a sudden the 700hp civic is useless against the 600hp zr1 on a coarse (given this is examples, no direct hit towards anyone on this forum)

now your talking about seeing 900hp civics run 8’s…their a shit load more V8’s out there running 8’s then their is civics.

theirs many ways to look at it, and many ways to have a debate about it.

or we can always look at it this way…take both cars into consideration and compare them in stock form.

True ^^

or neither and get a 996 turbo and do bolt ons…

youre not one of those guys that say… ohh wow, you beat a stock bike with your highly modded car, are you? because i would like to stab those people… reason i ask, is because youre discounting these modded cars when compared to the ZR1, basically saying, why bother, when this “stock” car can do the same thing, 'tis all.

keep bikes out of this…thats a whole different perspective.

im talking about Cars…4 wheeled vehicles. Not 500lb, 2 wheeled accleration machines.

not entirely. its a comparison factor. now answer my question.

A Street FWD in the 8s is unheard of… people should appreciate that and…

After seeing Stephen from APR’s Porsche… I’m sold

No im not that person. It takes ALOT of car to over power even a 600cc bike…even if the car beats a 600, or hangs with it…its impressive.

Actually, thats not what hes saying really. He’s defending the car since 75% of the people on here inst. started bashing it becuase their highly modified civics can run just as fast as the stock car. Hes not saying its better because its just as fast stock. Hes defending it saying its stock and it runs just as fast as your highly modified civic. Highly modify the ZR1 then compare if you want to be fair about it…

since you editted ill reply to this also. i brought up the question, because when you see videos of cars and bikes racing and the car wins, people instantly say… good job, you beat a stock bike, that costs 10,000$… i asked if youre that type of person. because the way youre talking your saying pretty much, " big deal, your modded car runs 11.3’s when this BONE STOCK ZR-1 also does the same" quoted to signify my point. not to claim you to have said that