Motor went

I couldn’t agree with you more. Quik, I have no idea if you do good work, and I honestly don’t care. But, that statement was goofy. That thing about talking poor about Quik and that being a reflection upon JJ’s is a two way street.

If you go out saying crazy shit or really flipping on people, and people know that you are affilliated with a certain company (whomever it may be), its going to not only do damage to your personal reputation but also the professional reputation of that business.

I understand people are digging in you, and your right, its probably not fair. Nonetheless, you’ve got to grow some thicker skin man, and if you absolutely must dispell a rumor or fight back to someone, do it in PRIVATE man.

I’m not trying to be a know it all, just trying to give you a little insight from someone that really isn’t involved in this situation at all and is just sort of taking everything at face value (which is what most, if not all, prospective customers will do if they would happen to read this on the site).