
You said you wanted to run for fun bud!

Meet at exit 23 Mobil tomorrow night? It’s a farther drive for me than you. 40 roll and a 60 roll? You can do the honking…

Thought you were gonna race on the cruise day?


He suggested that, but I probably won’t be attending.


I will be there with popcorn.

come to the BX and race down fordham rd. ill block off traffic and provide the heroin

Just texted Andrew and he said he’s not filling his bottle again this year, so I’m offering him a full bottle that I have here, just gotta weigh it to double check that it’s nearly full…

He will decline

either way, borrowed bottle or not I still wont go tomorrow. This week and next week are tight for me (bills)…I havent even been driving my camaro because its almost empty on gas and I dont have the money to drive it right now until my bills are caught up.

so basically paying bills on time > Street fun

not sure why you would say this…you have been around how many times when I have ran people? never declined any of those…

pretty sure most know, win or lose I will do some runs…just might not be for a few weeks.

and if it doesnt happen this year, it will early spring.

you usually decline and then come out anyways!

exactly. I hate missing out on the fun stuff lol

Haha thats why I said you would decline

<<<<<<<<< Confused.

Every time people say they are gonna race you say you arent going out yet every time you come out

ahhh got it.

I have never seen you decline

awww thanks buddy.

Hopefully this coming season we can have some more get together’s. The weather was awesome this year and it seems like we didnt do as much