We all know damn well that if the person in the car was a 19 year old instead of a 90 year old, he would have received a lot more than, “failure to yeild”.
RIP to the young rider. As much as I feel bad for the death, I honestly dont know what the hell a law should be for soemthing like that. Unless the driver was aiming for someone, or shows no reguard for their mistakes, life in prison is over kill. 99.9% of the little “i forgot to stop”'s dont kill people, and god help the .01% that do. If I ever killed someone from a mistake like that, i would not know what to do with myself… BUT people that know they cant drive as well as they could 70 years ago, or people with eye problems, or health reasons that common sense tells you that you shouldnt be driving a 2 ton wrecking ball… YES, you diserve the book being thrown at you.
And about the helmet comment… VERY true. If the helmet was loose, or didnt fit right things are MUCH different when physics come into play. When I went down a few weeks back, I never blacked out, or had any head pains, and CT scans were fine for my head… I never thought I hit my head. I got out of the hospital, and looked at my helmet. I CRACKED 4 INCHES OF THE HELEMT. This is a $600 HJC Carbon Fiber top of the line helmet. You get what you pay for, I will never look at a helmet the same way the rest of my life. If you have a cheap helmet, PLEASE get a better one, I dont want to read about a fellow shift rider going down like that poor kid.
+1 man…completely agree with ya
is the HJC CL 15 helmet any good? or should i go out and get a better one? my bikes just an old '82 650 nighthawk that couldnt do 120 if i tried. but that doesnt mean this could happen to me. really depressing story
even with an expensive helmet shit can still happen…my gf wason her sled and hit a snow drift…her sled went 1 way and she went the other…her sheild hit the snow and opened up…the tether (fucking ski-doo) came out of the machine and smacked her…gave her quite the nice black eye for 2 weeks…i know it sounds out there but its true
It’s ok man, you don’t have to cover, we’re all friends here.
gotta keep bitches in line somehow.
The CL-15 is both DOT and Snell certified, so for me it would be good enough. However how the helmet fits you is, IMO, even more so critical. Higher end helmets obviously will meet the DOT and Snell (or other) certifications, but they might be able to achieve it with a lighter helmet and more importantly comes standard with different size padding to ensure a custom and perfect fit.
I am way overdue for a new helmet and will be getting the new Shoei RF-1100.
Zack was one of my good friends
I don’t think the person who hit the guy deserves life in jail. Everyone who rides knows the risk (or should know the risks) of riding. Accidents do happen, and unfortunately when a 4000lb car hits a 500lb motorcycle at speed, bad things are going to happen.
The fact that the person has to live with the idea that they killed another human being due to their mistake should be punishment enough if you ask me. That alone can do a number on a person.
True and False. Beside the fact of having to live with a mistake with a fatal ending what about using your fuckin head and pay attention THATS the first friggen rule so I would rather have this idiot pay $$$ to help raise the child that this guy who just got married and didnt even have a chance to met his child, to raise his child to be there for his child.Fuck honestly the money isnt even good enough, Revoke his license too. UGH Sorry when it comes to children I get friggen hostile.
So you’re saying you don’t make mistakes when driving? Come to a complete stop at every stop sign, don’t go 1mph over the limit, never pulled out in front of someone on accident?
I’m not sticking up for the guy by any means, but there are two sides to this argument.
As we all know the laws are lame, and will never 100% correct… it just cant be. And life is the same way… some people make out well and soem get fucked when both given a situaition.
I understand all that, I just get hostile when it comes to children so I dont think straight… Mouth is going Brain isnt thinking and body is plowing through someone head. My bad
no biggie dude, i did throw that comment towards you, or anyone really. just blabin too
I disagree. Vehicles cause more deaths than firearms every year. If someone were to accidentally shoot and kill someone with a gun, accident or not, that person is going to be charged with involuntary manslaughter. But it’s ok for someone with a 4000lb bullet to kill someone when they are at fault? No fucking way. I’m not saying life in prison here, but something way more than “failure to yeild” is necc. exp. in cases such as this.
I’m sure the person driving didn’t mean to kill the guy riding the bike…
I am sure of it also BUT I am willing to steak money on it he really wasnt paying attention either.
I’m sure he wasn’t. Which is where negligence comes into play. Just because you did something and didn’t mean does not make it ok.
The difference here is that if he meant to do it, it would murder.
If he did it, didn’t mean to do it, but was high/drunk, it would be vehiclular manslaughter.
If he, did it, didn’t mean to do it, and he was not high/drunk, it is involuntary vehicular manslaughter. Which is this case. It is a lesser charge but he should be charged with it.
this I agree
The gun correlation was far fetched. Guns are built to kill, something. Cars are meant to move something. Putting a gun in your hand, is alot different than getting behind the wheel… as far as intent I guess. Death is an outcome from, a gun, a car, or a fucking lollie pop for fucks sake. Dont make giving out lollie pops illegal too! lol
But I totally agree with the explanation you gave in Post #38. Spot on.
To throw another wrench in the mix… What if you are driving, and all of a sudden a bird hits your window and you swerve into someone’s lane and cause a wreck and kill someone? The real cause of the accident was the bird. Sure, a good drive could avoid the rest of the mess, and you could be a dick and say “you must have control of your vehicle at all times”… but it was a freak thing that happened, and the driver was paying complete attention, and didn’t mean to kill anyone.
where do you draw the line? morals & ethics or to bad so sad your fucked go to jail because the law is the law???