Motorcycle sub forum

honestly the best reason for this is just to keep things organized.

How hard is it to add a sub forum? (i’m actually asking because I don’t know)

Agreed… all the [crew] threads can be consolidated, as well as the tech threads… and the meet threads to boot.

Not very.

Its a matter of justifying it. :tup:

I sent Daddie a PM.


But, to play both sides for a moment… You’ve gotta realize that some of your previously posted reasonings are: momentum - the crew is growing; seasonal - the fourm will get heavy use during the season, but down quite a bit in the offseason; organization - tech, meets, crew checks, pics, etc; give it a test run - if it doesn’t have alot of volume, close it down.

Now, all of these same reasons can be said about not just the wasted Big Rigs forum, but also about Huge Nerd; and the suggested Homeowners & Financial forum suggestions. However, all of those ebb & flow, and its been handled pretty nicely by the Gen Auto & OffTopic forums respectively.


Absolutely. I sent him a rather long PM with my views on justifying the opposing argument. The reasons why I think it should be created, and a logical argument against the reasons why people don’t believe it should be a sub-forum. I touched on issues on both sides of the fence with justifiable logic (in my eyes) and didn’t just blurt “we should have a sub-forums because there are a lot of bikes” type of attitude. Actually, ill send you a copy of it. Like paulo said about organization, that’s another point I brought up in the PM.


I like this… a lot.

Cool. Im glad youre taking the time to write all this shit out. Cause all im gonna do is kill Howie repeatedly on Call of Duty and then tell him to quit being an asswipe and just make the damn forum already. I will then proceed to go to NYC and drink 5 shots for 10 bucks with him repeatedly until we both look like this :bloated: , and then I will later attempt to fart on his face after he passes out on his couch. :thankyou:

No but seriosuly, Ill talk with Howie about this next time we get a chance to shoot the shit, I think its a great idea and doing bikes/atv/big rigs all in one is cool too! Just give us bikers our own spot to kick it because it sucks trying to find some bike threads sometimes if theyre not titled “yo bike doods, come on in”.

LOL classic memories. Cant wait to go back and see the goofy guy


I come to this site because the threads in OT are funny and about as immature as me. With a motorcycle subforum I’d call this place home.

Use it or lose it. Enjoy :tup:

haha no shit.

also, it already has more threads than the big rigs. lol

yea, I moved those in there to help fill it out. :slight_smile:

But yea, there had only been one active big gir thread in the last month, so…


About fucking time. :picard:

