motorsports are lame...

to me auto-x seems very boring. but i cant say that for sure cuz i have never tried it b4. This summer i will try for sure atleast once and see how it is. But to me beating the piss out of my car in a parking lot with cones doesn’t seem all that fun. I am more into high speed turns like on the 198 and etc… back country roads… stuff like that. but then again i cant say much because i have never experienced it.

Different strokes for different folks

So here’s the deal. For those that haven’t tried it, try it once before you jump on the “bandwagon of hate”. Keep your eyes open in april, and there will be post about when the novice school and first event are. It isn’t exactly what you think it is. You won’t hurt your car in any way - especially if you drive hard on the streets. You have a better chance of breaking something on bad pavement or potholes on the street. We have a few incedents every year, but nothing where anyone gets hurt. And you better believe that if the same thing happened on the street, someone would be hurtin.

You don’t need anything special to do it - there is a 4 door elantra and a few autotragics that come out every event. Everyone has fun. You can be competitive if you want, or don’t. Our region is very relaxed, as long as everyone is safe. And the cone marks rub off.

Honda’s can be pushed very very hard. If you really want to know, come on down and we’ll show you.

Now, for my two cents ->
People that say that they “aren’t into competition”, I think that they are afraid of loosing, afraid of disappointment when they find out that they aren’t as fast as they thought, afraid that all the trash they talk will come back to bite them. Not true for eveyone, but it does apply to some people. If you feel pressure to perform at an event, it is because you put it on yourself. No one else does. No one else cares how fast you are (unless you are beating everyone). So try it once and then give your honest feelings at that point. But like I said, it isn’t for everyone.

So true.

For me I feel that motorsports are better than drifting around residential streets or doing 25 over the speed limit. But whatever, I guess what it comes down too is that some people would rather wrap their car around a tree than auto-X. Honestly, I’d rather see you knock down a couple cones instead.

Competition wise, well, I guess that is personal. I haven’t had shit for a competitve car for the last two years and still went out and had fun.

i am sure i will try it… and i probably won’t be that good at it. I think i am an ok drifter (at least in the sti) and a halfway decent driver, but i really doubt i would be all that on an AX course. I am not afraid of losing at all. Shit, i am a loser. But I can get really fired up and push myself too hard…

your just wacky and goofy and always have fun…but for real try it once…terhe is usually 1 or more elise drivers that do fun runs if u take the elise or if u take the civic whatever…i will admit watching it is nothing like being in the car whipping it around the course…and that was ina a Maxima for me,…jsut imagine how much fun i would have if i had a good competitive car

that is the same exact attitude i had b4 i ran my first auto-x event last year. i thought i was pushing my car near the limit making the 198 run and i thought cruising around in 2nd gear in a parking lot would be boring. but i was way wrong with both. i havnt pushed my car anywhere near the limit on the streets and being able to run that hard in a parking lot…eventho rarely faster then 60 mph, is a shit load of fun. im not a competative person either but i just love to drive hard and you can drive as hard as your car will let you without worrying about wrapping it around a tree or getting put in handcuffs. give it a try this year…i bet you love it as much as i do.

I didn’t say anything to the contrary. I do all my track days on 2 wheels btw :wink:

AutoX is also much more applicable to every day driving due to the low speeds. The car control you learn transfers well to emergency situations.

And you should go to some better track days if you only think it’s “following people around”.

AutoX is great, and will give you that sense of competition, but I’d rather do a track day any time. They are two different beasts. Different strokes.

Go to a track day, have fun, go much faster, don’t worry that it’ll get too competetive since there’s no “real” competition going on.

I just hate the mentality “if you dont autocross then you dont know how to drive” bullshit.

When I get an M poop or roadster I will maybe take it to a few events, just to see how it does. Other than that, I just want to drive.

i will

Newman, I mean this in the best of ways. Unless you’re doing 80mph on a dirt road through some trees, AWD drifting is a fucking joke.

i :heart: newman

I wasnt really disagreeing with you… i was just elaborating and adding my own comments.

it’s harder to drift my sti than my 240… or my dad’s mustang… why is it a joke?

AWD drifting is almost as lame as FWD drifting because there is no need for it, it only really happens deliberately…

You should tell that to rally drivers.

on the street, on dry roads, drifting awd is lame imo

Personally I enjoy Auto-X and many other forms of motorsports. I’m, not like hardcore into them, but I still make it out to a few events a year, competing or even just watching. There’s no doubt it takes a toll on your car, so I’m not all about fixing things on a premature schedule, so that’s why I don’t do it that often. It’s also a hell of a lot of fun, so it’s a toss up for me…

Whatever floats your boat man. Some are into it for fun, competition, drive to get better, or a host of other reasons.

Either way, I wouldn’t let other’s opinions about what you should or shouldn’t do bother you too much…not that you would, haha.

its not “you dont know how to drive” its “you dont know how to drive at the limit.” if you drove at the limit on the streets your gunna wreck. there’s nothing to hit but cones in a parking lot.