motorsports are lame...

I enjoy auto-x. I’m not in it to compete, just to enjoy driving. I think since I’ve done a track school I’ll do better at auto-x also.

But the track days are really where it’s at. I loved it, probably the most fun thing I’ve done in my entire life. i improved my ability driving exponentially,a nd i still have infinite room to go.

I bought a bike again just to do trackdays, and I hope to get out for a ton in my car too. That’s why I’m not gonna do an rb swap, so I have money for tires and track fees.

i’m not a competative person either. that’s why I always skateboarded. you do it for yourself. It has nothing to do with anyone else. But its a blast to go skate with your friends and just have a good time and chill out.

This sums it up nicely for me. I have been racing cars for about 8 years or so and it is an AMAZING feeling driving that fast in a pack of cars. There is nothing out there that can get me as excited and amped as preparing for a race. I tihnk the only thing that comes close is the acctual cars themselves as race cars are fucking awesome imo. I doubt I will ever go to a drag race or even auto-x my car as neither really appeal to me but hey what do I know i get joy out of circle track racing :slight_smile:

I’m trying to keep this as civil as possible, but to be blunt, AWD drifting is easy as hell. It requires virtually no skill (unless you’re in a Rally type enviornment, doing 60-150mph on a dirt/gravel/etc road with spectators and trees and rocks to avoid on a timed course.) and is, again to be blunt, a fucking joke. Easier to get the ass out on the 240 or the Mustang, I’d believe it, but the commonly accepted opinion is that AWD is much easier to hold through a drift. Sure, RWD steps out easier, but that’s because you’ve only got two drive wheels. It sounds like you’ve got alot to learn about weight transfer and can control. Again, no offense as I do not even know you and I’m basing opinions off of an internet forum… which is a piss poor way to go about things.

Mike - which vehicles have you “drifted” in your past experience?

There’s nothing wrong with not liking motorsports. It’s not for everyone. I have lots of friends that are into cars, and not into any sort of organized motorsports, and also hate watching it on TV.

The people trying to convince you just think it’s fun, and that you would have fun too.

Howie tries to get me to eat sushi, but I tell him to go fuck himself everytime. I can’t stand sushi :shrug: It’s all good. I’ll still go out to eat, I’ll just have the steak sandwich while everyone else eats that raw nastiness.

I like drag racing and auto X but I CANT STAND NASCAR! it is soooo boreing. im sure if i was driving the car it would be more fun but i cant stand that shit on tv.

thats what i was trying to say inmy 1st posts…as long as he doesnt go around hating others because thehy like motorsports

Drifting an sti on dry pavement is not nearly as easy as my old tbird. maybe its easier on ice and gravel but keeping the sti in a drift is almost impossible unless you are flying.

No offense Rob but I am willing to bet that the tires on your T-bird are a tad inferior compared to the Azenis that you sport in the summer.

can’t believe I missed this before…

If you hate motorsports, what’s your take on Watersports?

I dont like to watch any of it,I absolutely HATE watching any type of sports/motorsports on TV.

I know what ya mean,I’ve raced at lancaster every friday night in the summer for the past 3 years.It gets boring after awhile.Lots of drama,idiots who take it way to serious…etc.

I’ll be getting something 5spd this year so I can actually enjoy myself.When I take a trip to up to NYIRP the drive appeals to me more then the track racing does almost.

I do admit that I’d rather watch/particiapte in ANY motorsports then watch sports on TV.Most guys at work live that shit,if my satellite dish got shut off I wouldnt realize it happened until weeks later.

i’d love to do a track day like beaverun with my car, but at the same time i’ll also admit that i’m afraid of losing it and throwing away all the money that i’ve put into my car. i’m torn…

Motorsports are the only justifiable reason for modding a car or having a sports car. If you don’t put what you have to use, that makes you a poser.


of course this is a problem when you never exceed 42 mph.

I had no problem holding drifts on dry pavement with kevins STi.

no kidding? :lol:

i love the newm

My only take on this is I hate the constant bashing many people who autox do towards drag racers…“they can’t drive” and other random comments…I like watching autox as much as I like watching drag racing…Im going try to take my daily driver to autox this year…Trying to autox with my firebird would be a waste of time since it in the process of being setup for drag racing.

A bad day racing is better than a good day working, or doing just about anything else! It’s been in my blood since I started to drive, >40y ago.
Some days you just have to take a dose of

and say"let’s go racing! I like the sights, the sounds, the smells, etc. And winning? It’s almost intoxicating!

racing is in my blood, i love the thrill of racing against total strangers, or ur friends, or urself. i would love to set up a car for auto X, but i went with what i wanted to do, 1/4. the reasoning behind goin to the track week in and week out,… i look at it this way, what would i rather have 11.04 or a 10.99. so untill i reach my goal, ill keep goin and trying harder. goals are killers if u really want em.

bad day of racing sucks - blown motor/broken axle…etc

Right on brother! It’s in the blood. If you don’t get it, I guess you just don’t get it.