MOVING SALE: fish tanks, video games, random stuff...

i loved those fish, whoever buys them better take care of them.
The male would cost well over $40 in a store (He is huge and great colors).

Call me cheap, I’d take a Jersey, But not for $50.

Not interested in the Yzerman.

Take 30 dlvd for the Hansons?

hey cougar sat sound good to you? we can meet at might pm me your number

ok cheap, are you actually inquiring about A jersey or just stating an opinion?

whichever one would fit?Probably the Large will do.So for 35 then?

So what ya willing to take for the Penguins Jersey(s)

i bought a ~40gal tank from somewhere else, how much would you want for just the filter and pump and some deco’s? im in west rochester so they would prob need to be shipped?

$40/1, $70 for both

if you want just one, i’d sell the straka for possibly $35 only b/c i actually liked kovalev…

will all depend if i sell the tank or not. if it doesn’t sell, i’d just keep it all and bring it down as i originally planned. i’ll let you know tho…


figure i should be at mighty this sunday so anyone who wanted anything or something we’ve already agreed on can meet me up there…

hoook me up with the haanssoonnss

and let me know when we can meet up. I’ll be at urban until 8 today

i dont have time to read this whole thread, but i’ll call you about the PS2 and/or xbox…probably the PS2 with all games though…

can you come to mighty on sunday? i’ll bring everything there…

I dont feel like readin the whole thread, so, i might want some of the hockey jerseys, I’ll give ya a call to see what ya got still around

sorry man, I’m gonna be at Mid Ohio for the sportbike races until monday afternoon.

I Called and left a message with my # for the AMP and haven’t heard anything back.

dre, shoot me a call when you get home

sheeeeeeeeeeeeit just walk on over

can i plug my ipod into dem der computer speakers ya got?