Mr/Ms Buffalo Bodybuilding/Figure Pics

+1. one of the top 10 most beautiful women in the world.

sweet fucking jesus thats disgusting


The “tan” takes a couple hours to apply, and they only are that ripped up for a month or 6 weeks prior to the event. Otherwise they are just normal healthy women ( usually ). You guys are such dumbasses sometimes. lol.

For serious dawg!

So we lifting while i am home? BTW i don’t care what the flamers that run your gym say im wearing straps and screamin at the top of my lungs. Also i am wearing a speedo. I may or may not be oiled.

  • 1 for me too :tup:

Oiled or non oiled? I will rub you if you rub me(no homo)

^ :wood:


Like I said before… Figure girls FTW!

I want in on this. I have some Speedos from high school we can use. I bet they fit like thongs now. mmm.

being over tanned shows the lines much better… and being ripped is the whole point of it. The Tan is fake (clearly) and goes away after a few days.

I for one would make try to violate every hole she has… :tup: I’m turned on…

Oh I understand the point, doesnt change the fact that they look like shit.

I think its keith richards

Fucking. Roffle.

The guy on the far left has been walking around dead for 6 years, to the right of him is Cuban Crisis, next to him on the right the guy is drunk, the kid next to him can’t tie his own shoes and the kid on the far right is sleeping.

i think the guy on the left is the cart guy at the tops on meadow

The 2nd guy from the left looks like he has a dislocated NECK.

There is no need to go to the gym, I have a squat rack in my basement, we can check out each other’s form. :tup:

SCORE!! We can even videotape our form from different views and watch it later!!! :touchy:

r those the best guys they could find for the competition? ive seen guys at the fuckin Y that are in better shape than them.

Its an amateur contest… what do you expect…