MR2 Kingston 2006 - Pictures

some nice lookin cars :tup:

It hard to swerve around bugs lol it was almost an 800 mile round trip or so

I know. It happens :frowning:

well yeah…but come on…go for an air to water…I just can’t see that being a very good idea

I mean if you’re gonna spend the money on a big turbo setup…go all the way…

x3, looks pretty bad

that trunk mount setup is way common for mr2s… people also usually cut vents on the bottom or top of the trunk to vent air in from outside in addition to the fans. its smarter than a top mount IC setup (i.e. engine heat just soaking onto it) so I don’t see why it is so confusing :rofl:

kosei fags :stuck_out_tongue:

a2w is the most logical solution for mr2’s, but a2w is not NHRA legal, so all the big time racers with MR2’s have to stick to A2A to compete

trunk mount IC’s allow for the largest intercoolers, but the trick is finding ways to route the air. the plastic underpieces actually do a superb job channeling air under the car, so many put the IC facing the street with puller fans on the back. ive even seem some (fazio aka jekylandhyde) mount a subaru scoop on the center of the trunklid with side vents in order to funnel more air into the trunk

frunk IC setups wouldnt be very practical…you would have extreeeeeeeeemely long piping to run from the front of the car through the cabin and into the engine bay…ive seen one person in japan do that setup with some monster turbo. it might have actually been one of top secret or juns projects, but the numbers weren’t that great

thus the TMIC to stay race legal

but fuck that shit, str33t r4c3rs for lyfe :stuck_out_tongue:

Good pictures Paul…oh and Corey, sorry dude, but that many miles…can fuck up a good detail, for lack of a better way of putting it, haha.

No worries man, I cleaned it up again today. It looks almost as good as you last left it. Almost…

I know this is a little off topic but do you MR2 guys know of any good MR2 friendly mechanics in the area? My car has been leaking oil from behind the timing belt cover for awhile now and I would like to get it taken care of once and for all. I already took the car to Hybrid last fall and Don didnt really want to get into it so he referred me to someone else named Evan who never returned any of my phone calls. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Cool, that hamster was scottB? in NYC now