Mt RB25 Just Saved My Car From a T-Boning

Gotta love sauga, Ive seen people roll through red lights casually and almost cause pile ups.

it would be your own fault if she did tbone u. u should only advance when clear. regardless a right turn or straight. both have right away before you do on a green.

not true actually i was hit in between head on and t bone same stuation and i was not at fault

^^ Most of the time WHENEVER you are making a left, you are almost automatically at fault.

When making a left, you always have to proceed with caution.

Even if someone runs a red, and hits you, you are at fault for not proceeding with caution (since someone just ran a red).

+1… if you were driving a honda… T boned! for sure… cuz u wouldnt have hit VTEC in time:)

hahaha he is funny
and that blonde chick is SO fucking ugly and so fucking stupid it makes me want to break my tv