Mt RB25 Just Saved My Car From a T-Boning

I was making a left onto Mavis as the light was going yellow. There was an old lady in a new Benz with her right indicator on presumably making a right onto Mavis. WRONG! She charges at my passenger door and speeds up as I am making my left turn, indicator still on-it felt like something straight out of South Park. I punched the gas and got on full boost quick and jus dodged a bullet as she charged through the intersection. I think my swap just paid for itself right there. If I had my KA I think it would have been over.

P.S Old people fucking scare me on the road. It was like she was on some FML mission in a car.

Welcome to driving in Sauga…:slight_smile:

glad to see you are still in one piece…

Safe travels

I was almost mauled down by 2 trucks and 2 buses today in Mississauga on my way to Krown Lakeshore…

Yup I hate the drivers in Ontario fucking horrible, what gets me is how they got their license?

some buy them literally…

glad too hear your ok gotta be extra carfull driving these days, some ppl are just fucked

Come to Alberta…the worst shit I’ve ever seen.

Never seen so many people drive at night with no lights on. Every time I go out at night there is at least 10 people with no lights on…wtf?

OP, good to hear you survived a near total loss. :cool:

Probably people drunk as fuck. I had a moving truck try to turn into me on my way home. Two nights ago I was on a road in which the right lane was ending, so I put my left indicator o. And prepared to turn left. Everything is good in my rear view mirror so I check my left blind spot and what do I see? A car gunning it followed by another one tail gating that car. I had to go off the road a bit and come to a near complete stop since the right lane ended no more than 15 or so ft from the sign.

Even worse, I was on Burnhamthorpe near the bridge construction two weeks ago. Just got my EBC Rotors and Hawk HP+ pads. It was rush hour traffic and the right lane ended. The double length bus being piloted by.a Big Black look-a-like was next to turn into the left lane when everything was clear. As I am a bit more than a quarter but a bit under half way past the bus, the driver turns into me. I had to slam on my brakes just to clear the tail end of the bus. I went ballistic. Now I’m not a big guy, but do that to my car and I will go over the top. I cussed him out at the next stop and was ready to sucker punch him on the bus… There’s a line that you don’t cross with a man. With me, it’s taking my car out. The cops would have fucked me so I chilled. I got the bus info, I should report him.

Yes they really do buy their licenses.

I would put it on your quick reaction.

KA would have done the job as well.

Yet still. RB25 FTW! :slight_smile:

good thing for boost!!! lol…and as for the ontario drivers thing…lmao you notice how most of the ppl on canadas worst driver are from ontario lmao

gotta love the situations where speed (despite the guvments attempts) saves,

rather than kills.

good job.

Basically the same thing happened to me the first time I went out with the family in the Skyline. Gotta love the power on tap at times.

This is why I just assume everyone is a fucktard and can’t drive.
And patience really becomes a virtue.

good to hear you are safe.

Yes. My friends father gave me two valuable pieces of advice:
-Neve get directions from a woman

  • Never trust that someone with their turn signal on is going to turn.

You know how it is when you are in the intersection on a yellow. Ah well. She will probably put the car through something sooner or later in true South Park fashion.

Good thing you didn’t die!!! Close calls this week for all. I almost got crushed by a tractor trailer today. Seemed like he fell asleep and jerked into my lane.

Plus…if you died…my civic wouldn’t be sold tomorrow anymore. hahaa.

lets not me selfish now

my favourite is ARUN on canada’s worst driver

Never trust a driver with his/her signal on for SURE! I couldn’t count the times I’ve come out of a parking lot and someone is coming with their signals to turn in, and they just keep driving by…

Especially left turns - always safe to just wait it out. Because if you get t-boned on a left turn, it’ll end up being your fault - which in some cases is just stupid - like when someone runs a red.

you guys obviously didn`t see the one where the women in korea took her written test 950 times and on the 950th time she passed spending over 1.5million on the tests ill get a link