Freaking drivers - My heart-warming story

What is with some people on the road today?

I got ran, literally, off the road, the other day by some driver in an Impala.

He’d shown all the signs in advance of a particularly bad driver, so I stayed well clear - as he lane-changed without signals, cut into turn lanes holding up traffic (much honking to be had) and what not else. I don’t think anyone on the road particularly liked him…

So i’m on the 401 and he’s 2 cars in front of me now. Him and the car in front of me move over to the left one lane, doing about 80km/h and leaving the right lane i’m in 100% open. He’s actually staying in his lane this time. I’m thinking I finally have a chance to get by this nut cleanly, so I begin passing them (in the rightmost lane, with a small gravel roadside and concrete wall to my right).

Right as the pass is about to happen, he veers RIGHT in front of me (no signal, naturally), doing at least 30 km/h less than I was. So basically I had to threshold brake, steer out of his way, and run off the road into the gravel and almost the concrete wall all at the same time to avoid him. The brakes were used to their fullest and saved the day (he came REALLY close to hitting me).

Then, as a kicker, he stays in the lane & my blind spot, effectively forcing me to remain driving on the shoulder - and glancing over showed me he had no idea what was going on! He hadn’t seen me the whole time. He looked approximately 70 and had two other passengers.

Before all this, I hadn’t even had ONE real close call since going KA-T almost a year ago. But thankfully the car came out of it fine, so I guess I should consider myself lucky.


damn, i hate senior drivers, i had one run a red light and almost hit me as i was turning left on my advanced green, pissed me off. after i skidded to a stop and let him passed he honked at me. pissed me of even further.

And then of course theres the 70 year old guy who wrote off my coupe! :evil:

holy smokes what are these people thinking nowadays, doing less than 30kmh than you…sheesh. old people shouldn’t even be on the hwy, better yet don’t drive at all. this is nothing new, it happens all the time on the 401.
but cutting you off forcing you to slam on the brakes :x.
all in all, the good thing is your alright.

from what i see when i drive is alot of people need some driver training AGAIN! people are terrible now a days

Yes alot of old people do suck at driving. Once I was going straight through a green light and the guy on the opposite side making a LEFT turn honked at me thinking he has right of way! like wtf mate!


And the worst thing is i’ve noticed most drivers actually get defensive when they’ve made the mistake!

But hey…what can ya do.

Drive safe guys…but when you DO decide to drift on the street, aim for soccer mom’s that are speeding in SUVs and vans, or people that don’t signal. :wink:

How bout people who ride your ass tailgate so close. That pisses me right off, got rearended twice in 3 weeks the 3rd person who hits me is gonna die

:o i got pinned on a guardrail last summer coming back from cayuga.This old couple changed lanes on me and i was right beside him ( well on her side) honking my horn and he just kept coming till i had about an inch of space. I wasnt even in his blindspot i was right behnd him door to door!!! :o

Ill admit my grandma is horrible…“Is there someone beside me i cant see!!!” And when theres a close call she bitches about their driving…clearly its hers but i dont care my seats pretty much verticle so no one sees me. How ever ive never seen the rpms go above 3200rpm when shes driving. Shes got a ticket for 92 in a 70!..shes going to fight it saying she “Ijust turned onto the street from a intersection theres no way i could have been going 92”

And “our” rates are high because we are “careless”. :roll:

I’ve avoided so many accidents by wit and reflexes alone it’s not funny

people coming to a dead stop on a highway, tailgating, careless lane changes, and those people that always speed up so you can’t pass yet slow down immediately after #W%&Y$@

something that no one seems to teach is the brakes aren’t always the safety pedal, keep an eye on openings, and if you have to floor the fscker and get out of harms way, do it before anyone even saw you were there, they probably didn’t even look or care

I also always watch to see what truckers are doing, they see better, communicate with each other, and they have to plan all the maneuvers well in advance, if they are changing lanes or slowing down, good idea to pay attention

a while back, as i going north on mavis towards the 403, a new lane opened up to enter the 403. i smoothly merged into it. a second later a murano changes lanes and take my old spot, then starts turning on me, and i was RIGHT BESIDE HIM. caught the le-man’s sunset paint coming closer and closer in the corner of my eye. i then had to sit on the horn while avoiding him and the curb at the same by by millimeters. i hate careless drivers, especially people who don’t pay attention to driving, and most of all, senior drivers.

Well in europe if i recall there’s laws that prohibit people of a certain old age to drive… I don’t know about today but it was so in the past… In Canada and the US I think you just have to pass some basic eye tests and whatnot?!

Here though I knew of people who were 92 years old and driving… But seing those old english hat ladies drive is a common-sight…

I remember my dad’s first ticket in canada lol… all because he got mad and really pissed off at some lady driving 20 in a 50 zone… barely seeing where she was and what she was doing… so my dad got pissed off and passed her and got a ticket for going 70… because drumroll there was a cop with a radar gun LOL…how lame is that.

Of course naturally… the many ALMOST accidents from older people who change lanes MAGICALLY are a no brainer… They just GRADUALLY slide across… snail’s pace… you almost don’t notice that they are changing lanes, it just happens very slowly crossing the line… its kinda funny… cartoon like… they drive as if there is no body behind them!.. It’s scary when you’re behind the wheel and have to cope with these kind of weird drivers…

These types of old people always tend to drive waaaay under the speed limit, even on busy roads… it’s dangerous…

A while back I was on the highway and some guy was driving about 50-70km/hr in the far frickin right lane! Insane! I couldn’t even pass him as it was pretty crowded and everyone else was going 100+ in middle lanea… finally though he decided to speed up somewhat… and I just bypassed the old guy GAH… you could barely see him sitting in the car. It’s like from behind it’s an empty car with just seats as if the car is driving itself.

I know I sound mean but damn :frowning: Danger to other drivers… sorry, I love and respect old people, but this stuff is anoying, frustrating and scary… I know some day we’ll all get old but yeah…

It’s like two extremes, there’s the highschool ricers who go 180km/hr on city streets then crash… and then there’s the old people who just drive waaay too slow and don’t know what’s going, don’t care who’s behind and forget signals and whatnot… both are exteremly anoying and dangerous…

ends rant

The worst recent almost accident God forbid was to my dad where this stupid moron in an SUV decided to just turn left on my dad and my dad had to brake real hard and avoid getting hit. My dad went on the horn but the moron was like “what happened” and shrugged his shoulders. DIDNT EVEN SEE MY DAD WHAT SO EVER!

Too many careless drivers… and everything gets blamed on ‘car enthusiasts’ with lame laws… what about regular uncautious, untrained, bad reflexes, non-caring drivers?.. gah… its scary…

I don’t mean to hijack the thread or rant (ok mini-rant :stuck_out_tongue: ) - just want to add a couple of interesting things I’ve seen yesterday…

  1. Did anyone else see a 300M with a senior driver hooked up to nasal tubes breathing deeply through some sort of tube or respirator around 5 pm yesterday? (Victoria & Weber right after construction zone)

No offense but this is kinda like playing hot potato with live grenade - it was hot out yesterday and I could hear the gasping through “breathing machine” (or something hollow like trachial tube?) from 2 meters away in my car. I looked over - saw the hookups and this son240 thread came to mind.

  1. This morning I was driving up hamilton upper james and some “dorifto” truck keeps swerving & does “inertia drift” - neat recovery but didn’t clear the sidewalk completely - it’s good it was 4 am. I spoke with the driver to see if the people inside were ok - it’s wheels reached above my window panel and I could smell the booze down in my cabin at the lights - not sure who was loaded. Hope they got home ok.