It’s been said, but I will reiterate: Krav Maga/Haganah = not competitive, you learn very effective methods of staying alive in a physical confrontation. This usually involves severely hurting/killing your attacker. This is not submission or come-alongs. Just straight fighting. Muay Thai in its most common form is very different. You learn stand-up strikes and what amounts to competitive kick-boxing. This works great for self defense until your attacker takes you to the ground or grapples. If you want to compete don’t get into krav. You will learn the wrong skills. When you train to do one thing and compete with a different set of rules it’s not going to work out well. I can recommend a couple different school in a variety of disciplines. Pm me, check them out, talk to the instructors and then make your decision. I’m not sure any of us can tell you what’s best for you.