Music File Format Issue

Ive got an lg vx9400 and the music essentials 2g card

when i try to put songs on the card that are mp3 only like 1/3 of them make it on, they show up on the computer but then not on the phone

i have tried converting them into different formats but still it seems like its just picking random songs it wants to play

i also had this problem on the lg vx8100

does anyone know what format/encoding they need to be plz help me

it might be because some of them are copyrighted, i had that problem with mine.

make sure they are not titled longer than like 30 characters or something too.

possible, .wmv may have DRM protection. If I do remember correctly, my LG phone did support .wmv, for ringers and such, but is has been a while since i cared.

Another question to ask OP is:

all the different formats, did the same songs load, and the songs that didn’t load . didn’t load. if so what Boxxa said in the previous post something with naming may be an issue, of course one would hope that it would be truncated instead of just denied.

If my xbox didnt do it, i doubt the phone will…