Muslims plan to open a mosque at site of World Trade Centers.

What the hell is a significant Muslim victory?

Youre an idiot.

i want to see where they say they build mosques at “sites of significant Muslim victories”

Where else have there been “significant Muslim victories” that this group has built mosques at?

A 12 story building next door with bbq pork, a gun store, indoor shooting range, maybe a motorcycle shop?

How about a BBQ joint, a womens rights center, a jewish temple, and a muhammad t-shirt factory.

I like this comment from one of the links:

Rob said…

Timothy McVeigh was raised Catholic. If the Catholic church wanted to build near the site of the Oklahoma City bombing site, would anyone protest? Of course not, and I would love to hear how Sarah Palin, etc justify this double standard without outright admitting that they just plain hate Muslims.

I like where this is going.

significant muslim victory -

they want people to get wrapped up in this shit and all excited, i could not give less of a fuck about their mosque or if they built a taliban museum there, i have bills to pay and my family to worry about

I think a skate / bmx center to, maybe some whaling inflatable arms dudes?

A Video Billboard with DX constantly doing the Suck It

You realize that by being against this you are handing the terrorists a victory, right? A few misguided goatfucking tribesmen are not a threat to the existence of the world’s sole superpower. All they can do is scare us into thinking and behaving differently…

Not too mention there’s already a mosque on the site.

So much for American values and the constitution, right?

don’t you know that they have a history of building them in anticipation of a future battle victory close by.

“Lets build a mosque over there , then we will have a victorious battle nearby!”

Is there any religion that worships beer? I should be involved and or start one. We could mark our victories by peeing on stuff and asking girls to show their tots. In anticipation of victory we drink lots of beer for said urine? Or is the defeating of the full beers the victory? This starting a religion is complicated!

Let’s do it, I’m in.

This falls into the same category as the westboro baptist church protesting at funerals. I don’t like, I wouldn’t be at all upset if a bomb blew them all up, but I know it’s a freedom of speech thing and as dirty as it makes me feel I realize they are within their legal rights.

And if personally not wanting a mosque there makes me some redneck bigot, fine, that’s what I am in your eyes. 2605 innocent people lost their lives at that site, killed by cowards hiding behind the Muslim religion. To me that’s enough of a link that the good people of that religion should simply build their mosque ANYWHERE else. The fact that they want the mosque there makes it harder for me to believe the whole, “but we are a peaceful religion” that you constantly hear from the Muslim community. Someone is doing this for the sole purpose of building animosity while knowing full well it will likely lead to more violence. I have a suspicion that’s the goal… to have the mosque built and then attacked so they can continue the rhetoric about how America hates Muslims.

YAY my first member! I have a keg of flying bison at my house. Jus sayin we could make up some crazy story(see morman) about the flying bison beer god?