Muslims plan to open a mosque at site of World Trade Centers.

Because the whole fucking point of this thing is to fix the damage done to Islam by the 9/11 goatfuckers. Do you think that the only people who’s lives changed for the worse after 9/11 are good old boy chevy driving God fearing wife beating budweiser drinking christians? I can’t even imagine what it must be like for an average American-born peaceful muslim (yes they exist) minding his own business enjoying his 1 first ammendment to walk down an NYC street after 9/11.

What are you trying to tell me with that list? That Muslims died during 9/11? Of course there were Muslims in the building.

It’s typical how quickly people forget what happened only 9 years later. The day after they attacks, you would all have different opinions about this whole thing.

Just ban me. This site has been going downhill for months. Good luck with it.

And Newman, would you just come out of the closet already? It’s ok, proposition 8 has been un-banned.

I will not ban you over your opinion in this thread. I will just take your posts in a different light.

God, PureXTC is fucking hilarious.

What if I saw the N word?

wow, a lot of ignorance in here

It’s understandable that people are upset about this, a little bit. I can sympathize. However, the fact of the matter is that you’re racially profiling a whole shitload of people on the based solely on religion. No better than saying all German’s are jew haters.

you should do it. you should go off on a rant about those lazy good for nothing dark skinned white mans air breathing pieces of shit. espically the ones who practice islam they are the worst.

x2. Stupidity is incredibly entertaining. lol

Off-topic again.

A lot of the same people in this thread calling me a racist (I can dig through earlier posts, and I bet I can find a racist comment made by every one of you). I dont care if youre just kidding when you say these “gray area” comments, the fact of the matter is that if you even think differently when you see non-whites behaving a certain way, than you do with white people, you are racist. It doesnt matter if you go to extremes or just think silently to yourself. At least I have the balls to admit I am racist (racist in regards to race, not religion). Some of you need to man up and realize that you are also, instead of living in denial. My favorite line being: “I’m not racist or anything but…”. You don’t have to be a member of the KKK to be a racist. It only takes a simple thought pattern.

Save the “youre an idiot” comments. The insults are only to make you feel better about yourselves.

You can also save the “I have black friends” comments, because even I have black friends. That doesnt mean shit.

My point being, cut out the group think and take a look at yourselves before you go calling me all these thing.

hey guys, remember this post about the stuff you’re talking about… it had things in it that seemed that, if factual, would negate any need for a debate on the subject.

  • not solely a mosque (unless its a 500 seat mega mosque, with a watery mosque, museum mosque, bookery mosque and a food mosque all in one)
  • not adjacent to ground zero
  • contemporary business dress (not very mosquey)

iono, thought that was important to point out even though i don’t agree wtih anything Joe ever says when it doesnt conform to my established world view :slight_smile:

Lol I love when AFrank posts.

Idk, IMHO…who cares. Let them build their shitty building, we have bigger things to worry about, like Shark Week on the Discovery Channel :inout:

Facts are for fggts. Hearsay and conjecture from Fox News FTW.

gawd i hate facts. they just get in the way of a good arguement.

speaking of which, you’re wrong about everything ever.

thats racist

I believe that would be sexist.

How can I tell what religion my pets are? One of my cats does not seem to like me, I am afraid he might be Islamic and want to kill me for being MERICAN! Am I ok? Also I wish this was network ot so that Canadians could tell PureXTC how racist he is as well.

Dude is a practicing beerologist. Zoe is Muslim and she keeps trying to carry out the jihad on him and you.

She came from Florida too. I bet she can fly a plane. FML

I’m going to build a mosque next to your penis.

Haha wow what did I miss here?

Yes, it’s geographically insensitive but that’s not reason enough to stop it.

Besides all this arguing is moot if they can’t get the funding to even build the damn thing.

lol, I love when people say this, change their accounts to “invisible mode” and stick around anyway. Thanks from all of us for putting this thread in OT though :tup:

If you have an opinion but can’t defend it, who’s problem is that? All you had to say was Cordoba (the name of this group) is also city in Spain where a conquering Muslim army replaced a church with a mosque. But inferring intent from a name is a stretch at best.

PureXTC can’t access Net-OT because of previous comments.