Must Read:Clearing Up Rumours About Drifting No Longer Allowed

First off I have noticed that there is way to much false info floating around here currently about what is going on at our local Ontario tracks regarding Drifting. So to clear it up Justin contacted both Dunville and TMP. Here are the coles notes regarding the conversations that took place.


Straight From The Track Owner

  1. The bylaws for the area state that there can be no tire squeeling.

  2. He also stated that drifting at the track has torn up the infield and scattered debris all over the track which he did not appreciate spending hours cleaning up to allow the next users to use the track safely. This actually costed him money vs the cost for us to rent the track.

  3. He also stated that he did not see drifting as a competitive sport more so a form of showboating. However he was more then willing to help us find a more suitable place to use which he suggested being an oval track.

Apparently his views of drifting have changed or the gentleman we met in the spring was not infact the track owner.

TMP Toronto Motorsports Park (Cayuga)

Straight from Vanessa (in charge of booking) and the Owner (sitting next to her)

We are all for drfting at our track however you must obey some simple rules. If you do then there is absolutely no issues and welcome you to use our track for drifting.

  1. You can only have 2 cars on the track at a time while drifting. This is for safety reasons.

  2. There are certain corners we do not permit drifting on. These corners are not prepped for drifting and are a safety concern when drifting.

  3. Every car must pass a DB test. We keep records per day of the car and number and DB reading. DB tests are solely based off of the exhaust which is what the law requires.

In Conclusion:

So I hope this clears up some confusion. I know we will back the effort to keep drifting gowing in Ontario and look forward to the rest of this season and future ones too!


Very helpful guys , Thanks.

On that note, what about your event/CSCS at Dunnville coming up?
No go?
Proceed as planned?

Good post…personally i was getting kinda down on ontario hearing the news but hopefully everything can get worked out to continue growing drifting…

I know Chris from CSCS is working on this issue.

To be honest, this doesnt clear up things for me. It raises more questions.

i’m locking this until we connect by phone, yourself, me, Chris, D-ops, whomever…

i do not want to be in a position to suggest that other people are wrong, lieing or misled. Therefore, we cant have this discussion in public until we have spoken off-line.