mustang guys...need some help

the wife has a 96’ mustang. v6, auto etc. she came home from work today and turned the key off, but the car was still running.
so i disconnect the battery, then pull the fuel pump fuse to get the motor off. motor shuts down.
out of curiosty, i re-connect the battery and the car acts like the ign is in the “on” position. (battery and check engine light is on on the dash a couple dings from the chime). trun the key and the car starts fine. however, still will not such off.
from my understanding there is supposed to be a small rod coming out of the ignition going to a switch somewhere on the fire wall in the area of the steering column, and that switch could be bad, or need adjusted.
the only thing is that i can not locate the switch.
any ideas?
all help is appreciated!

replace the coil. gotta love when it screws up:rofl:

ooppps, dunno about the 3.8’s. maybe different :dunno:

On SN95s, it’s the plastic ignition linkage in the steer column that does this. It breaks when the car is turned on, then you can’t turn the car off. The underdash “ignition switch” is left forced into the on position.

It’s a pain in the ass to replace. You’ll have to rip apart your steering column to get to it.

on my 94 gt i had, the ignition switch (behind the knee bolster) went bad and once i would start the car, it would keep cranking (even while running still), pull the key out, and it would keep cranking til i would disconnect the battery. it should be a little tan colored box with some torx screws holding it in if i remember correctly. once you drop the plastic and then the metal knee bolsters under the dash, you should be able to see it.

well, starting simple i replaced the ign sitch. no luck, so i moved to the steering column., and indeed thats the problem. i’m glad you posted because i had no idea what was inside the column not letting the rod pull back. if its a pain in the ass i may just go to sechrists and get a whole steerin coulm and swap out. dunno.
for the time being i just left the switch exposed so i can turn the car off and am letting the wife take my truck to work.
the flip side is that since i have to drive the mustang to work at least i got it buffed out today. interior is tomorrow. then she can’t complain that my truck is always spotless and hers isn’t.
thanks for the advice guys.

Whoops, forgot about this one. Glad you found the problem.

It is a pain in the ass to replace that little linkage…what did you do here? Replace it or replace the whole column?