My '01 Audi S4 progress

Did you have your headlights turned on when you tried the sprayers? They don’t work if the headlights aren’t on.

up, tried that. i’m assuming the pump on the bottle is shot, and i really don’t feel like ripping apart the fender to get to that and spending $100 on it to boot

100 bux? get it from a junkyard

:tup: I drive by your house all the time, and the car looks really clean.



spray covers can bite my ass … spent all day saturday getting the damn headlight squirters in and they didnt even work! so i pulled them out and i’m just going to ‘glue’ the caps to the bumper. not worth the extra $200 to get them working.

also i update the interior with the Drive+Play, also with bluetooth install. I’ll get pictures sometime this week.


I hate my headlight sprayers anyway. You lose almost all of your washer fluid when you use them. I usually end up turning my headlights off then use the washers. You might be happier that you left them out.

I always liked the wiper sprayer on my A4, but yeah it will use the extra fluid. Well worth it though.

2 things. If you think you’re going through way too much fluid you probably have a leak. The resevoirs have a tendency to crack and the pumps have a tendency to leak, not to mention the connections on all the lines to the headlight washers suck ass.
All that being said, I have a spare resevoir with both pumps on it if you want to try getting the washers to work. Let me know if you’re interested.

i never really wanted them in the first place. only reason i tried was b/c they were supposed to be there. i think in the end i’ll be happier without them :slight_smile:

you dont need to glue them on, just grab a small hook/pick and reach in the hole and pull them out, and then while still holding them out, hook the cover over the two little nubs on each side of the squiter, let go real fast and it will suck in… lol… and you may have to cycle the key/head lights/sprayer for the system to prime if its been empty. those lines are pretty big and take a lot of fluid to get full, bc its the pressure in the lines that pushes the squirters out of the bumper.

oh yea after 10 months of messing with them i finally figured out how the line clips are supposed to work. im talking about the horse shoe deals that hold the lines together… (im fairly sure audis have these, but i realized this on an x5) but if you push the clip in (like you are trying to put in on more) it will kind of spread it self apart so you can separate the lines. you dont have to take that little horse shoe clip off and probably drop it, and then its gone forever. lol…

i tried priming them up, but when i looked, there was no fluid even in the line. Thats why i believe that the pump on the bottle is shot as well. And i’m going to glue them down b/c if i’m not using the washers, i might as well sell them to someone who wants them.

new shoes :slight_smile:

I spy a plate/inspection/registration. Is the car out on the road?

I like the rims though, now needs a drop.

yea … i’m letting the 18" rest on the suspension before i think about a drop.

and it was indeed put on the road on friday :tup:

Hot…i drove by the other day and saw that Yellow ZR2 out front.

yup … father’s new project

the headlight pump is damn loud. you should hear it from inside the car, even if it isnt primed / pumping

if you cant hear it, its not running

wow that looks great…nice work…like the wheels alot

do you know the weight of each rim, and the combined weight of a rim + pirelli? 18s are a good size for the b5 chassis, however i run 18" lorinsers with a 2in lip and theyre f*cking heavy…