My 1968 Mustang Fastback (now Satin Black).

About time I hear some updates. I thought you sold the thing.

When you planning on having it back together? :slight_smile:

Should have it on the road by late May, early June. A lot of it will come down to parts availability and amount of dough I gots in my hand.

The cowl ain’t goin’ nowhere. I Filled in every one of the 200+ drilled welds then put in another 40-50 spotwelds, then seam welded it for stiffness. It’s half the reason it took so damn long to finish :stuck_out_tongue:

car looked good man :tup: let me know if ya need a hand, I should be around all day saturday

For the record, anyone looking to match old - and faded - paint, Al Wil on Transit has a spectro camera that can determine color and they’ll mix you up a batch. Supposedly very accurate. I’m bringing an entire fender down there tomorrow for “analysis” and to see if I can get some squirt mixed up while I wait.

I’ll get some pics up soon, I ran out of hosting space putting in shots of tweety’s monsters :smiley: Nice weather’s here and I’m ready to twist the key…

Is it done yet? :smiley:

Come on, mine is getting closer. We need to cruise soon.

Okay - I’m gonna throw a prop out there - Bill at Al Wil’s on Transit in Elma is THE MAN. I brought in two small pieces of metal to get scanned by the camera - couldn’t fit my fender in the Chrysler - and was told they were too small. Shit. At this point I figured I was SOL, most joints would say, “come back when you’ve got the fender.”

Bill walks out and says, “Let me see those.” He disappears for 10 mins. and reappears with a quart of white paint and two other smaller cans, and painstakingly begins hand-matching paint.

keep in mind there are auto-body guys in and out the shop, probably spending 10x what I’m spending, but he lets the younger guys handle them and stays with me for 25 more minutes, ensuring that both him and I are happy with the paint. He even threw in some other goodies. I ended up letting him spec out the supplies I needed and I bought everything there.

Very, very cool, so +1 to Al Wils.

That said, front suspension is back together, heater lines are run, painted and installed the export brace, yanked out old firewall insulation, and am in the process of creating my own new insulation.

I wonder if he could mix me up a quart of British Leyland ‘pale primrose’ to match tweety’s paint? I’m going to need to get the new hood painted sometime, PM me his # Tom, thanks.
Glad to see you’re making progress, I wish I was…

PM sent :slight_smile: He can def. help you out. :tup:

and recieved!

Any updates?

There is, actually :slight_smile:

Stripped the fenders and door down with this stuff called Stryp-eaze. Water soluable and wicked potent. I have been painting the interior pieces satin black and installing the new firewall blanket. Flushed out the cooling system. Been hooking back up the electrical connections too.

Last weekend I devoted a full day to taking care of my 300M, so I didn’t get much done on the '68. I’ll be wrenching on it tomorrow afternoon though, took a 1/2 day :smiley:

ARGH SNAG: Now that the car is on it’s wheels again, I see the clutch arm is banging up inside on the cowl wall. Looks like I will be performing some surgury here, or at the very least hitting something with a hammer :smiley:

I can’t wait to see these LED tails working. :slight_smile:


ARGH SNAG: Now that the car is on it’s wheels again, I see the clutch arm is banging up inside on the cowl wall. Looks like I will be performing some surgury here, or at the very least hitting something with a hammer :smiley:

I can’t wait to see these LED tails working. :slight_smile:


Get it fixed?

:confused: Still working on it. I’ve had to divide my time, looks like I’m getting a new job :smiley:

Any updates with keeping the clutch from hitting?
If possible take some update pics…
… I enjoy old mustangs alot.

I have a bunch of pics I need to upload. I have a week off starting this Monday where I will be devoting a ton of time to the project - I’ll get some pics up soon.

Yeah, I know I already said that… :wink:


I have a bunch of pics I need to upload. I have a week off starting this Monday where I will be devoting a ton of time to the project - I’ll get some pics up soon.

Yeah, I know I already said that… :wink:


I thought you were just quoting yourself.
Hell, mine comes home this weekend and a little wiring work and I can fire it up :smiley:

Get moving!!! :smiley:

I’m not too far out, built a new mount bracket and got the heater box run tonight.

Put in the LED tails only to find my taillight buckets are rotted completely out and I have a bad ground in the left :bloated: But, the one that works does look pretty sweet, just need to replace / repair the buckets and chase the ground down :slight_smile:

When it gets running, Id like to see it at a meet er something.

That can be arranged :slight_smile:

So, Joe, you’re stopping out this weekend with the '69? Is that what I just heard? :wink: