My 1994 3000gt SL

yea idk how though there really expensive

Yep. Not many 3/S shops. They have a at least one or two 9 second 3/S so they get the fanbois.

Day 2, priming the bondo on all the little dings and dents! and sanding and sanding and more sanding. Every little ding and dent on the car is fixed, the biggest one on the left rear quarter panel, (as you can see lol). The plan is the car is going to be almost finish by the end of this weekend. Saturday is when the paint goes on. Sunday is when the clear goes on. The whole process is going alot quicker than I expected, but we’re all working our asses off.

Thanks daknut, yes it’s going to be the same color blue. Mariano blue its called. I liked the color too much to get rid of it.

Yeah I agree, 3sx is ridiculously expensive. I was lookin on their site a couple weeks ago and some of their prices were so absurd I couldn’t believe it.

Haha i bet it was, thanks for the advice. I plan to do everything the right way first time around. I love this car too much to half ass anything

so does that make me a “fanboi” for shopping at one of the only reputable 3/s places besides pit road m, which is entirely in japanese and costs more? lol yes they are expensive, but no one ever said these cars were cheap let alone their aftermarket. rock auto and mentor (spelling) mitsubishi are the only other places i’ve gotten parts from for my car, and they have great prices. i do agree that 3sx is pricey, but it comes with the territory unfortunately

Trust me, I am very aware of the cost of a 3S.

The fanbois are those that flock to them without doing search. Perhaps I am a DR homer and just dislike 3SX but I know enough IPO stories to make me hate 3SX. It’s more so the shipping costs (or atleast that was what it used to be) that made people disgusted with 3$X (that’s an actual joke too).

well for someone who only sees 3sx ads on 3si, it’s hard not to shop there haha i’ve heard loads of good things about the DR products too, just haven’t had any yet. and i was lucky enough to actually pick up some parts and avoid shipping but i totally agree… lol 3$x

Matt M is a good guy. Reach out to legendary Ray Pampena too if you need parts/advice. Great guy.

Still think you should have taken the taillights out no matter how much of a PITA they were.

Why’s that?

Just an update, the paint went on today, however I left right before he started painting, i had work. here are some pics of it all prepped right before the coat of paint :slight_smile:

The clear goes on tomorrow, will upload pics tomorrow night!

paint is an asshole, and it WILL get on the sides of the lights where you couldnt get tape into to mask.

Hmm, the body guys said that it should be fine I’m pretty sure, or they would’ve told my dad and I to take them out. I’ll see how they turned out tomorrow

lemme tell you something

body guys say shit will be fine, and most of the time it is, but they tell you that because the faster they get it blown apart, blocked primed and painted, the faster they get paid. i know this because my dad’s been a bodyman for almost 35 years.

Eh, nah. These guys are good friends of ours, we’ve been spending a long time prepping the car. If the lights were a concern I’m sure they would’ve said something about it

Eh, nah. These guys are good friends of ours, we’ve been spending a long time prepping the car. If the lights were a concern I’m sure they would’ve said something about it

Just a couple quick photos, but this is what it looks like with the paint

Will have more tomrrow or tuesday, when I bring it home

Looks good!

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Thanks a lot!