My buddy's dog attacking

a saturday night special and a desert eagle can both kill people… but i’ll take my chances getting shot by the saturday night special. i expected this response because its the same typical response people always give about pit bulls. fuck em… if they fuck around near me or my dog or family they are gettin two in the head. game over

but see you brought up the problem… irresponsible owners…you should have to have a permit to own certain dogs BECAUSE when not in a qualified persons care certain dogs are deadly… can my beagle be deadly…yes, its it likely? no… can a pit bull be deadly? yes …is it likely? yes. the damamge the two can do is extremely different.

can anyone go buy propane? yes…
can anyone go buy freon? no

both are deadly but one requires a special license so why cant the same apply to certain dogs… if fixes the problem related to them… keeps them outta the hands of people that arent responsible enought to have them and in turn you shouldnt hear about them attacking, etc etc…