my car got stolen...

wow, i was shocked to see the title, kind of misleading. Glad everythings straight now :tup:

glad it wasnt stolen!

yikes - almost makes you wanna buy a lojack, right? :wink:

least it’s home!

well atleast your story has a happy ending.

I’ll help

glad it wasnt stolen…i was also going to ask who would steal a dsm :gotme: :lol: jk jk

would only make it to the end of the street

Glad to hear its okay. Had it been stolen, I would have told you to drive immediately down walden to bailey and go ask Steve Hall towing where it was, since they are the ones that CAME TO MY WORK to try and steal mine…

yay for bored cheektowaga police. Good to hear that everything turned out ok.

glad to see everything turned out fiine

Fun morning, huh Andrea?

Well, $100 to get it back is better than a stolen car. Glad everything turned out okay.

Is that the place on Bailey in lovejoy?

I might be confusing it with Jim Mazz… that’s in Lovejoy as well…

What happened with them trying to steal your car?

Good to hear you sorted it all out with the car GSTairs.

I would have gone apeshit myself once I figured out it wasn’t a dream.

Stay on top of that stuff next season :tup:


yeah same mark, i wanna hear this story - totally OT that shit in hear, sounds interesting :tup: :tup:

you get those fuckers yet?

on topic, i cant imagine the feeling walking out to see your car gone…

i wish someone would steal my svt

woah i read the title and was like WTF ?? Im glad you got the car back OK Andrea, that still must have sucked coming outside and not seeing it there :eek: Glad you got all the DMV stuff sorted out too, no more surprises :smiley:

thanks Mike…i swear my heart stopped for about 10 seconds and i couldn’t breathe for a while…as soon as i caught my breath…i started crying so loud i think i woke my neighbor up cause he ran out side to see what was happening…i should have taken care of the plates sooner so it is my own fault…i guess we could all use a good cry every now and then :bloated:

i thought the same thing when i seen the title. i’m glad everything worked out for you Andrea. i’m sure that was a huge weight lifted when they told you they had towed the car.

Balance shafts work better :wiggle:

I guess this story had a somewhat happy ending. $100? Damn that’s a lot of money for less than a day of storage.

when it is all said and done this whole thing has cost me about 200 bucks :frowning: 85 for the tow, 65 for re-regestration, 50 in tickets…it has def. been an expensive lesson i had to learn.