My Court Experience

Rape a nigguh.

im not reading it, but GL…

Also, i love how i got a muffler ticket 10/31/2007. Had court that december and for some reason my license is being suspended for not showing up to court. :lol

TL;DR version? prease?

Shawn, thats complete crap on their part. all parties should be separate, like the judge, the arresting officer and such. either way though, they end up doing pretty much whatever they want to and as of late they seem to do things that just generate more revenue for them at whatever cost.
the whole points thing is crap now. i remember when i had a “disobeying a traffic controller device” ticket, which is like running a stop sign and stuff and it was only 2 points. somehow miraculously its 4 points now. a 100% increase for no reason.

GL with having a liscense after that

The courts are almost as bad as DMV. Everything is more expensive. I let my insurance lapse over the winter, and didnt turn in the plates. So when I tried to reg my Z last month, th snatch at the counter tells me I have to wait till July 20, or pay $628 to reg a car in my name. So can I reg a car in my dads name, have him as the primary driver, and me as occasional on ins, to get around that?

Law broken…fine paid…I don’t get what the big deal is.

Well he did admit to doing it in his post. I think it’s fair to say that anyone who gets pulled over for doing something wrong wants out of the charge, I know I do.

And I don’t think getting out of the ticket was Shawn’s main concern as was how it unfolded. I def. agree that the officer should not be the prosecutor as well. To me, it seems that is a huge conflict of interest.

They come in all forms, this one just happened to be a shriveled angry little penis.

I do not deny that as I said in my initial post. However, I did have a reason albeit doesn’t justify it. It’s not the fact that I got the ticket but the abuse in the judicial system in handling it.

Aside from just being a decent person, they are public servants/workers paid by the people. I dont’ treat strangers like that.

That’s fair and I understand that but even the court officers who direct traffic are like that. Also, there’s a diff between pulling over a guy vs being in a random court room and dealing with a guy that has done absolutely nothing. Treating them like snot is just unecessary.


Reason = Money.

I don’t expect you to given you can’t get a job at Lids in the mall.

We have the right to a fair trial and to confront the accuser. Both were not offered to me. People have died for hundreds of years for these basic rights. I don’t get why you can’t comprehend that.

My anger:

  1. Another officer should never ever prosecute the case.
  2. The ticketing officer should never prosecute the case.
  3. The guy was a complete dick to me. That’s uncalled for.
  4. The officer pulled a UTURN within 1 second of giving me a ticket for the same exact offense
  5. 4 points for a UTURN? That’s bullshit but OK, that’s the law.
  6. The entire process was a 3-4 hour ordeal. That’s a waste of tax payer money. A math lesson for silver and the court. Paying $5 to make $3 is bad business.
  7. The accusing officer should be at the trial. I mean, that’s the fucking point of the trial
  8. The previous person got the ticket dismissed for the hour being wrong on the supporting deposition. OK, I think that’s a bit trivial. However, how is the fact that my supporting deposition indicated I was moving (which I wasn’t) not taking into account? I am not a judge but I would consider the act not being accurate a bit more than the date/time.

I understand the whole the person writing the ticket shouldn’t prosecute, it makes sense. But in this case…you were guilty who cares if Donald Duck is the prosecutor you deserved the full offense penalty whatever you got under that amount is a gift that they didn’t have to do.

I still find it hilarious that EVERY time you get pulled over the cops a dick, and literally EVERY time I’ve been pulled the officer hasn’t been. Find it peculiar is all.

I’de like to also understand more. You were sitting at the stop line…at a red light and you did a u-turn?

Your post suggests guilt before trial so the trial (or prosecutor) shouldn’t matter. So, you don’t understand because the basic foundation of the system is an innocence until proven guilty notion based on a fair and righeous trial. That was not given.

That’s incorrect. I have stated many times I have been pulled over and the cop was very nice. Everyone has different experiences. Did you pull the “My daddy is a cop card” to get special treatment? Or, are you surprsied that a local town cop being a prick is not a rare occurrence? I find your post hillarious given the fact that the Schenectady PD is/was investigated by the FBI.

Parked with my back to a stop light which was red. I pulled out and made a UTURN into the other lane. This differs from the supporting deposition that stated I was moving and my act resulted in a traffic congestion. But, it doesn’t really matter because 1) I’d do it again 2) It’s not the act but the trial process, in general.

Lol…cry me a river everytime you get a ticket…that is all.

No response eh? Typical.

I just have a problem with how the middle class is exploited. The ticket was annoying. If I am going to pay for your unemployment, why not $180 more to White Plains?

System is messed up simply because, two people with the same records, doing the same violation in two different counties, or even just on two different days, can have completely different outcomes/results.

i think some people in the thread just dont get it… lol

anyways shawn that is FUCKED sorry to hear

i get really frustrated with shit like this