My experience with P and J Speedshop

I hope you picked the car up from their shop before posting all of this

Going from the first few posts, he didn’t.

And I must say, that’s fucking bold.


thats shitty man 7 weeks is a long time and u could have gotten a lot of shit done yourself…i would have picked it up after 2 and took it somewhere else

hmmm I think bold is an understatement

Based on what I have read from your experience and expectations and what Bighands wrote.

You sir, suck.

Start listening to people

And for the love of God, make a fucking appointment.

Working on a modded car is not like working on your everyday normal bullshit. There is time involved and gremlins to chase. If it goes a little longer, expect it. That’s life.

Otherwise do it yourself.

EDIT: God you must be the stupidest motherfucker on this forum, even after the guy explains it in plain fucking english you still dont get it. Fucking kill yourself already put a hose from the exhaust into the fucking car and clam bake yourself into not living anymore. Good GOD!!! Maybe he should have written it in Russian.


Motion to Ban permanently. This forum needs less retards starting with you!

Nappy why didn’t you get your car from the shop and work on it on your own. Over the course of seven weeks you wouldn’t have had enough time to check the basics. If you want a car that doesn’t run, to run and you don’t work on it yourself its usually gonna cost you some $$$$$.

Yay, popcorn time.

I’m sure the shop is MORE than smart enough to mess with any of it, if their reputation and professionalism is important to them.

I didnt mean to imply P&J would do anything to it, I just meant its not a smart thing to do in general…

Yeah I know what you mean. I’d rather have peace of mind knowing it was safe in my garage anyways.

Thank you Don, when you bring a car in someplace no appointment no idea whats wrong you shouldnt bitch about how much your getting charged or how long it took if it was a less credable shop they coulda kept it for 7 weeks said they were still trying to find the problem and charge you 20 hours of diagnostics. Stop fucking bitching when you have a modded car you should know how to diagnose simple problems and not need help changing a few minor things. When i first started modding my eclipse i knew nothing about cars untill i went to a shop and was charged $800 for nothing something i can do now with my eyes closed. Either start doing your homework or sell the car and buy a toyota cuz if you cant fix problems that arise youre gonna start losing alot of money on repairs.

and P.S. if you have a mustang you probably shouldnt bash one of the best mustang shops in the area, people talk and no one will deal with you if they think youre gonna whine about stupid shit.

This thread sucks. Threads bashing shops are really fucking lousy. If you got a problem with the shop (which in what you’ve descibed in this thread, you have no reason to complain), deal with them rather than cop out and go online looking for sympathy. I really can’t stand what the internet’s done to some people’s mindsets. It’s really pathetic.

I wouldn’t go THAT far.

OP…you were warned in a previous thread. Live and learn. end of story.


this threads really gettin hostile, o well shit happens stay away from that shop and move on, no reason to cut off eachothers internet dicks over something thats done and finished with

Do you have any good experiences with dealers or shops?

who are ya talkin to?^^

Ive dealt with John in the past on part orders and from what I remember he was always extremely busy when I stopped by. If anything he lacked staff and that’s it. Very knowledgable chap too.

If your looking for a good shop for service work, why not call up Brian P at 2 Fast Garage. His shop is near NF Blvd I believe.

hey how is the weather in japan