my first car.

Take a look!

It has Winter tires… AHHHH. What did you get it for?

if you dont mind me asking, whatd u pay for it

No worries guys!
The guy I am buying it from is letting me do down payments.

So far I have thrown down $2000.
I pay the rest, I get the keys ($3000).

So in total, it is $5000. Everyone is saying “ooooh pricy.”

But it is in really good condition, and i really do want this car.

PS: I want to learn more about this car, could you guys give me pointers of what I should read up on?

I say.
Dont call it your car. till keys are in your hand, and vehicle is in your garage.

And same with everyone who has a car loan. Its not your car its the banks. lol.

In the RWD section there should be tonnes of help for you as we have many members with those on this site :slight_smile:

:rant: bank loans are a different story. the vehicle is REGISTERED under neath your name, so its your car, but its also colateral if you dont pay your loan.

this dude doesnt even own the car yet. :rant:

So you gave a guy $2000 of your money. You currently have nothing. You still owe him $3000, and aren’t driving this vehicle. Your paying $5000 for a 92 240sx, ontop of that with a stock motor. Why would EVER EVER even consider this as an option. People buy overpriced vehicles all the time, but your payment plan is absolutely RETARDED. Why would you ever do that, do you have anything on paper protecting you? Next time look up a thing called a “line of credit” or better yet get the bank to finance you.

All you have is that your $2000 poorer and have someones word on a vehicle. By the time you do have your vehicle and you want to do some sort of “drifting” your going to spend more money on tires, an lsd, an engine, suspension. Have fun.

^^ assuming that that is what he wants to do. for some people it is worth the money to spend more on a car that has all its records, is accident free, has a clean title, and doesnt have the frame rusted to shit. not saying that this car maybe anywhere even close to that. but regardless. welcome to the site!!!, most of us are pretty helpful and approachable so feel free to ask any questions.

yea, enjoy the car, i’m just ranting, it’ll definately be a fun beginners car. Just giving a random guy 2k doesn’t sit well with me.

I’m sure he didnt just give away 2k…It’s probably a secure deal. I would pay 5k for that car, It’s mint…look at it. Who knows how clean it is underneath. Well worth the money if it’s something you’re looking to keep for a while. Replacement engines are cheap when you get to learn swaps, which are easy aswell. Goodluck with the new ride, Enjoy it.


Anyways, the keys are in my hand.
I am driving it, it’s under my name.

Regardless of those are saying “it isn’t my car.”

Sorry to burst your bubbles, it is. It is under my name, paying the bank is another way of saying “I’m paying my car off.”

Go eat a bowl of cereal.

Thanks brother!

Looks like it is in fantastic shape. Congrats and welcome to the club. Even though I am not a “official member”…yet. haha

congrats man!
you should have plenty of fun with her!