My frickin dream car

The ultimate project car (for me)… simple… raw… alpha… hardcore… the perfect car in my definition :slight_smile:

The sound excites me hahahaha

I also love the old 240z… so this is an absolute win win. Who cannot frickin love this thing!?

The approach to building it, chassis, wheels/tires, motor, the whole works… just the way i’d want it :slight_smile: The end result = joy.

Part 2 and 3 gets more action have to watch one by one :wink:

305/30/18 v700 front and 335/30/18 v700 rears.

Yes this is what I want to achieve with my s13 :smiley: An absolute hardcore raw driving v8 machine :smiley:

I am at work and I keep watching the video over and over again for the lolz.

And LT1>LS1 v8 sound any time… its just too bad they are heavy :(… but so sexy…

real nice car but wouldnt pass it up as my dream car.

lt1 over ls1? are u dumb

little harsh eh?^^

Sick car. The engine is mounted sooooo farrr back. Dunno about the Corvette tail lights though.

Nope not dumb just educated unlike you with that post.

LTs can make alot of power, they sound better. Listen.

However LS are obviously a more modern evolution of the small block that are lighter, can make more power, etc… but don’t sound as nice in my opinion.

An LS1 with a true dual exhaust sounds almost like an LT1 when it comes to the badass factor but meh not quite in my opinion. :cool: Just youtube a couple of LT1s to hear how they sound then listen to some LS1s.

I am obviously going with an LS variation it being all aluminum block/heads/etc… LTs are dime a dozen cheap though… but iron blocks to the exception of the ever so more rare LT5 from the old zr1. Still… The more modern LS v8s own and are the obvious better choice (duh).

so your saying that an iron version of an aluminum engine, that are both the exact same displacement, and flow the same, sounds better?

haha oh wow. gosh, you really believe the shit you peddle dont you? so sad

once again i hate ls1 in anything other then gm vehicles. but hey aluminum gets my vote over iron block :smiley: sorry

He’s baising it all on the sound… he may have owned an iroc and is just jelouse now. But eh every one has a prefrence for what ever reason.

Some people just lack comprehension. I said I like the sound of LT1s over LS1s. LS1 is a superior more modern evolution of the small block motor. Must it be beaten down your brain three times? I like the sound of LT1s, however I rather have an LS1 and it’s what I’ll be going with duh.

I don’t find the ls1s personally as awesome sounding as the LT1 powered vettes, camaros, etc… just my opinion. Oh yeah I’m so dumb because I like the sound of one motor over another. Hmm so cool indeed.

That shiet is fluuuuush!

Nice car…but how can you base a motor on sound?? RICE???

easy killer

the two engines are not the same at all

What’s wrong with commenting on a car’s sound?

Oh a lambourghini must suck because… it doesn’t sound as nice as a ferrari to some people? (just saying, I love lambo sound). Stupid argument/logic/bickering.

Or better yet if I like a black car over a red car does that make the red car worse? No just means I like black paint on a car.

Enjoy the videos and grow up :slight_smile:

Fourth time I’m restating now an LS1 is a better more modern and evolved small black than the older LT… and lighter being all aluminum /period

the sound differences are negligable as an exhaust with proper resonators will make them sound identical

I really really really HATE to agree with 240xcsv…


the LT1 and LS1 sound VERY different.

i really really really hate to agree with ahmed too


everything about the LS1 is different

it has 8 cylinders in a vee

that’s about all it shares in common with the LT1

Are you guys for real?

I could of SWORE I just opened a thread on the LT/LS debate.

The motors are NOT identical. They sound 100% different.

One of the LT1’s was from 70-72 in the corvette. 4-bolt main all iron blah blah.

Huge difference.


LT1 over LS1 all day and every day. Are you dumb?

LS1 can not even come CLOSE to handling the power an LT can.
Simple reason…aluminum.

Not directed to you only Peter.
But do NOT argue the LT/LS.

Mike and me in on it…I’m sure Hector would jump in. And this would be a disaster.

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