My kitchen remodel project 56k no way

That looks awesome! I love the backsplash tile work!


Thanks :slight_smile:

The glass tile is custom ordered.

You can mix and match your own colors and they put them together in 12"x12" sheets. And it’s not that expensive at all.

It doesn’t have the backing as most tile you get does. It has a clear plastic sheet on the front of the tile, to protect it and to keep it together.

I am VERY satisfied with that company and would do it again.
BTW, Starbucks at UB North has the same tile. Also many of the tv shows use it too.

Wow, they have some nice stuff on that site. Expensive as hell though. I like teh stainless steel tile.

you really like stainless steel. I <3 the glass tile, i want to redo the tile near the top of my pool with glass tile, i love the way they look…

All depends on the mixture you make. Not bad for the customization level you can have and increase in property value.

nice choice on the tile. :tup:

i love the glass tiles. my old lady and i are trying to pick some out for our back splash.

Thanks! I bookmarked the site for when I have a kitchen to remodel!