my knee is broken


well yeah its gonna cost ya, but they’ll still take care of you. hell, if i had a choice between going to the ER without insurance and it costing me a shitload of money or say, dying, id rather live and worry about paying the bills later.


If he had a knife stuck in his head or an alligator bit off his leg it would be a little different.

why dont you have insurance. if its your employers fault, i would be raising holy hell right now.


you don’t trust a dr, but you trust nyspeed.




you don’t trust a dr, but you trust nyspeed.




you don’t trust a dr, but you trust nyspeed.




you don’t trust a dr, but you trust nyspeed.




you don’t trust a dr, but you trust nyspeed.




you don’t trust a dr, but you trust nyspeed.




you don’t trust a dr, but you trust nyspeed.




you don’t trust a dr, but you trust nyspeed.




you don’t trust a dr, but you trust nyspeed.



seriously, go see a doctor. Unless you like your knee the size of a basketball.

What exactlly did you do? Did you twist ur knee, get hit from the side? I have gone thru my fair share of knee problems. I am actually wating on a surgery date myself.

I say ice it, keep it elevated. If it doesnt get better in a few days give a orthopedic surgeon a call.

I second Dr. Joseph Buran. He is one of he most well respected orthopedic surgeons in the area. He was a professor at the UB medical school, and he is/was the orthopedic surgeon for the Sabres and the Bills. I have full faith in him.

EDIT - read the thread, get to a doctor. When biekrfry tells you that you should get your ass to a fucking doctor, do it. He seems to know his shit.

Soooo… How’s the knee?

Still swollen but 95% pain free. The only time I notice it is when i put substantial weight on it. I can walk without crutches as long as its in the brace but have opted to keep weight off and stay on the crutches until the swelling is down more to move the joint.

No Doctor FTW…so far anyway lol

Good to hear. Might want to do some exercises to develop that knee more if you’ve had problems with it in the past.

Once it’s healed that is.

Yeah…I am thinking about calling it quits for golf and softball this year and letting it heal up good until the late fall and then get a GOOD brace for a physical therapist that keeps it stable but allows movement like running and bending and work it out a bit to keep it stronger and less vulnerable to rehashing this.


No Doctor FTW…so far anyway lol


You mean FTA (for the amputation)

I am coming to your house Mr. Rula for a monster garage operation :stuck_out_tongue:

got some loritabs? I do, lol, “Can’t have em’ either” j/k. I’d try Ibuprofin, That or go to canada and get tylonal with codine.

When I run short on the tabs that always seems to help me.

I messed up my knee pretty bad a few years ago, went to 3 doctors and 2 knee specialists… 4 of the 5 said i had a torn ACL. Turns out it was just massage bone bruises inside my knee. The only way to really know is to get a MRI done on it. ALthough i had mine done and now i think they missed something because it has problems again.


Oh, and here’s my sole knee injury story…

Few years back, late winter/early spring, skiing in warm weather. Was skiing switch and hit some thick slush which tossed me backwards, when I hit the ground I rolled, ski didn’t release (high DIN) and it torqued quite good. Lots of pain. Not much swelling, but I couldn’t walk on it right for about a week.

Even months after, if I put my foot down, and pivoted on it, it would hurt badly. It eventually healed, but shit took forever before I was 100% again.

PS- At the time I didn’t have nsurance, so I didn’t go to the doctor.

No cast or crutches today…wooooooooot