my knee is broken

OK lets start placing bets on what he sprained/broke/tore/fux0red!

What exactly was your “old war injury”?

I’m going with sprained PCL

OH NO YOU DON"T.He is just tring to get out of wearing the pizza outfit for my grand opening.
Bitch, You will be out there and in a wheelchair if need be.:whip:

feel better Kyle and stop being stubborn :wink:

I’m betting torn meniscus…

if you need a “specialist” I had my knee repaired by Dr. Joesph Buran; I’m not sure what practice he’s at now; but he did an amazing job. He’s going to be fixing my other knee either this fall or next summer; whenever it gets bad enough for me to have had enough.

What was this old war injury, that can explain a lot.

bad twist that put me in a splint thing for 6 weeks around age 12

There are so many dumb smart people on this forum.

or, is that smart dumb people?

either way :picard:, go to a doctor. There is no internet cure for a sprain/twist/tear/etc.


Ok…I need someone to bring me a pair of crutches…walking is no longer an option at all. This is uncool.

It is time to read the bible and find Jesus to heal me but until then I need some crutches.

And the Dr. is a no go…I hate corporate america. My company didnt file my benefits update so a doctor is out of the question.


And the Dr. is a no go…I hate corporate america. My company didnt file my benefits update so a doctor is out of the question.


hmm. isnt that their problem? you are still entitled to benefits, right? if so, tell them you need to go to the doctor like NOW and its not your fault they messed up.

oh, and if you can’t walk, maybe get to an ER. you should be able to go to ECMC if you dont have insurance they will still take care of you, i think.



And the Dr. is a no go…I hate corporate america. My company didnt file my benefits update so a doctor is out of the question.


Fuck. When it rains it pours. :tdown: Ice & elevation and stay off it all while screaming into a phone until they get their shit straight so that you can get the medical attention you need with the insurance coverage you are entitled to.

Keep the ice 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off. That way you keep the joint cool but don’t get frostbite, which you would get if you just left it on after the skin numbed.


oh, and if you can’t walk, maybe get to an ER. you should be able to go to ECMC if you dont have insurance they will still take care of you, i think.


You are a fucking jackass.

You walk into an ER without insurance, yeah, they’ll take care of you, and fucking rape you for your new born child and your kidneys.

Uhm, that’s your companies fault; I’d be on them like a fly on shit for fucking up… you shouldn’t have to suffer because they’re incompetent of doing their job!!

And if you can’t even walk now; then something is SERIOUSLY wrong and a DR is needed no matter whether or not u want to go. Ice and heat and time off your feet aren’t going to make this type of pain/injury go away, and knees are NOTHING to fuck with when you are young, they will come back and haunt you later in life.


Ice 20 min on, 20 min off for three days, then for a day or two keep a heating blanket on it.

Take 600mg - 1200mg of ibuprofen daily, or 1000mg of naproxen daily, or 1100mg of naproxen sodium daily, and 2-4 lortabs or percocets daily (if you have access to them), if not I find that advil geltabs are the best over the counter pain reliever. Opiate based painkillers work the best, but are the most addicting so be careful.

You should also try to stretch a little bit as well, and keep that leg elevated.

I’m guessing you may have slight cartilage damage.

The icing and ibuprofen/naproxen/naproxen sodium will bring the inflammation down, the heat will relax and stretch out the muscle/cartilage, and the painkillers will, well, take the pain away.

If its hurting after a week the you’ll need a professional opinion.


You are a fucking jackass.

You walk into an ER without insurance, yeah, they’ll take care of you, and fucking rape you for your new born child and your kidneys.


well yeah its gonna cost ya, but they’ll still take care of you. hell, if i had a choice between going to the ER without insurance and it costing me a shitload of money or say, dying, id rather live and worry about paying the bills later.


well yeah its gonna cost ya, but they’ll still take care of you. hell, if i had a choice between going to the ER without insurance and it costing me a shitload of money or say, dying, id rather live and worry about paying the bills later.


A friend of mine did this, $6000 later for a standard procedure any insurance company would pay for, and he still is paying for it today (happened 3-4 years ago). Good luck, as I’d never go without insurance.


well yeah its gonna cost ya, but they’ll still take care of you. hell, if i had a choice between going to the ER without insurance and it costing me a shitload of money or say, dying, id rather live and worry about paying the bills later.


he’s not dying…