my laser cut t bucket parts are finally here :) + an installed pic now also !

Why did you get them made in NS? There are thousands of shops in the US that could have done if for you?

Fancy, fancy, by the way still need a logo?

my brother can water jet things at italian marble and granite for me for free!!!

“my brother can water jet things at italian marble and granite for me for free!!!”


yes i do

because it was the cheapest quote i got after emailing all over the place

1/8" a36 sheet was what i asked for and what i got. i didnt do stainless on these because honestly i didnt want to order them in stainless and have a bunch of scratced to shit parts show up in the mail . because some stuff you just cant polish out.

call it a test run of parts that were also for sale

and honesty, if these were out of stainless, and were packaged the same and all the slag was cleaned off the same, they would ALL be scrap


got a bit of an answer on what it would cost to stamp them

on the upper (larger) section of the bracket, priced thru

-none of the holes thru the piece are allowed, just the outside edge can be done
-tooling would be $2800
-$20 each for 20 pieces

lower (smaller) piece

  • tooling is $900
    -$12 for 20 pieces

$4383 and some change would be the emachineshop price for 20 pieces, and i would still have a bunch of cutting to do

the emachineshop price for exactly what i got, $23 each, 469 total after $10 shipping

i paid $60 total for 10 (well, 9 if i cant fix one, but i asumed as much and still made a nice profit on the whole deal)

hmmm … shelf brackets? lol

12 x 12 before tabs are installed for hanging them …

If I may make a suggestion on the next go-around, Wire EDM them rather than Laser. Wont be too far off price wise, MUCH faster, and local.

Holy Shit.
Once again, you have no fucking idea what you are talking about.

Wire EDM is NOT even remotely faster. Show me a wire EDM locally that can even hold a 48" X 120" piece of 10ga. And the IPM (inches per minute, pecause you’re cluless) will be nowhere near that even of a low wattage laser table. Put it in a 5000W HS laser and you can make 10 for every one that you wire EDM.

Secondly, Look at how many holes that part has. There are at least 9 wire break/re-feed instances in his part, which means that you need at least 9 holes PRE-PLACED in the sheet for each part.

God. Shut the fuck up.

damn it… beat me to it :mamoru:


Very nice!

Now, where the hell is yours? :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, cant believe I missed this…

First of all fuckhead, I am not talking about IPM, I am talking about TURNAROUND TIME. You know, the time from when you give them the CAD file to when you actually see a product? That time that matters for 1-off/small batch parts in the real world? Who gives a shit if you can cut it in 10 seconds if it takes 10 months to get the fucking thing from them in the first place. Wire EDM can be done local and quickly by quite a few shops. Those pieces shown in the pictures are NOWHERE NEAR 48" x 120", so, again, who gives a shit that the local machines cannot handle a sheet of 10ga that big? Ever heard of cutting it down? This is a very small batch of parts, not a mass production run rocket scientist. Try reading between the lines and take a step out of your la-la land cubicle.

Again, production speeds for this part are irrelevant, and was never my point to begin with. I would rather thread 9 holes per part and have the part machined at a snails pace delivered locally in a couple days, than cut it at Warp Speed… and wait god-knows-how-long for a company in Nova Scotia to deliver it. That was my point, obviously you missed it. With how many Wire EDM’s I know of in the area which never seem to be running at full capacity, a machine shop would jump at a small, repetitive and simple run like this- especially if it was an advance back-burner job!

Dont be such a douchebag. You seem to think I am new to all of this… I have news for you. People other than you do these types of things for a living, myself included. You can think I am an asshole/wrong/stupid/etc all you want… but for such an idiot, I dont seem to have any problems getting things produced or making them work correctly.


holy gay.

2 other guys on the forum ordered 3 of these each, one as a steering column bracket, and 2 for hairpin stiffeners … cant wait to see those in use :slight_smile:

I had some free time today, while working for a friend of mine and decided to clear coat my steering column and try a little color on LowRollerChevy’s column support. I think it came out well.

I was going to paint the column black, but I liked the metal look. As for the support, it looked good clear coated, but this looks much better.

Pretty bitchin’. The old V8 logo is perfect for this.

whoa at first I couldn’t tell what it was now that I see the finished product that’s badass.

couple more pieces

top pieces are 4 bar mounts (in stainless), bottom pieces are frame side hairpin mounts / trim (carbon)