Hey man, nice purchase. I sat on a few of these when i was lookin around. Not a bad price for a brand new bike imo. I just picked up an r6, so maybe ill see you around. Ride safe bro.
lol…i wouldnt call ricey…just mroe sporty
I didn’t mean it insulting, just don’t know wha thte bike phrase for it is, I am a total bike noob.
so it is/isnt?
lol…i have no idea haaaa haaaa…i just like it…
PS… Steve from my office will be at ur place today
:tup: good buy. dont do anything i wouldnt do.
Not bad sir!
You mentioned the dealer gets you in a saftey course. This year, or do you have to wait until next year?
prolly within the next 2 weeks
Looks great man.
the chain looks kinda tight though. Might wanna check it, it should be a little loose.
it is a lil loose
Nice bike but be safe.
Please tell me that the girl was only on the back for a picture. Get some miles under your belt before riding double. Other than that it looks nice, stay safe :tup:
yea she wanted to get a pic with me…def not ridiing with anyone on the back for a while
chris big :tup: just tell me you didnt buy those sneakers to match and that youve had them for a long time prior to thoughts of a blue bike :lol:
i just like blue
i will hump your leg again when i see you at southgate. i was kind of hoping you’d stop by last night. a couple of my buddies stopped by on their bikes and we were out messing around on them.
yea…i lefty it in my friends garage…i will swing by this weekend with it…last nite was my first time on the road…but I am bringing it back to my apt tonite and I am really close to southgate so It wil be up there ina couple days