my nightmare (turbo)

i bought it brand new off a private seller still sealed in the garret box, i had no problems with the turbo theres no damage to the houseing i looked. its not like i took it apart cuz i heard something. i took it off to get the houseing coated. all i can say is it either came from the factory like that(which i highly doubt) or something was inside and it kicked it out after hitting the tips of the turbine

also like i mentioned before, i think if it was that piece that fell in it woulda destroyed the turbo

sorry I missed that…I guess if that piece broke during a time when the manifold was cooling after the car was shut down and popped inwards and then the car started I could see it causing exactly that damage.

thats what i considered as well, that it might have been in there when the turbo was off and once it started to spin it kicked it out, but sense the turbine spins so fast and is so brittle it did that to all the very tips of the blades. i hope i can just get a wheel at most for it, and my luck its the turbine with the shaft so its expensive as hell i guess

you can’t just throw a new turbine on it…it has to be balanced.

balls to the wall.

If you want that one rebuilt let me know I have a really good relationship with Garrett :slight_smile:

ya im aware it needs to be balanced, thats the main reason i would get the wheel replaced cuz these dings will through it out of balance, but what i meant was the turbine is the extent of parts that i would need instead of a full rebuild and it would go to somewhere like precision or atp or garrett to be fixed

well then im going to have to go with “weld slag inside the mani” for $10 alex …

was the manifold back purged or solar fluxed before it was welded ? or did they skip that step and let the inside oxidize ?

it takes almost nothing to damage a part liek that when its moving that fast

who knows how it was made it is junk and its already being replaced by much much better quality stuff

Yeah I didn’t mean to offend ya. Just stating the obvious. Like Don said bring it to us for the rebuild.

this is just rediculous (sp)

Kevin, I love you :kiss:



remember how excited u were when u had it on the way…

lol well that was before anyone knew that THEY FALL APART lol

OT…how much were u charged to have the housing coated? On Topic: like we discussed…if i were u I’d get the good manifold on, put this turbo on and try it before u spend stupid amounts to have it repaired. i know for a certain poocharger rebuild, it is NOT cheap. you said u didnt notice any additional lag over the manifold-issue so i’d try it out. it doesnt look “that” bad

50 for the coating, its black/grey and thats what i am thinking of doing. its just the very very tips of the turbine. i may just have it sent off to be looked at for free over witner

he does manifolds as well. its a guy on h-t if u want it done let me know ill send it with mine. hes got a real good rep and isnt expensive

at least you got more than a week out of it… :slight_smile:

at least the damage is on that side, and not the other…

why you say that? the turbine side is more espensive cuz of the shaft