My Nurburgring video

Nice idea for a sub-forum, I will post some vids.

I went to Europe last summer, I made a DVD of the entire trip for the family to watch (Paris, Nurburg, Munich, Berlin) this is the Nurburg section, this is my 13th lap, it is Sunday about 11am and it had just rained really hard so the track is still very slippery and green in spots, but it’s drying nicely in other spots. You will notice where the old track meets the new track there is a diversion, the DTM was there that wekend and they were using the main track and I guess that part of the old track is part of the runoff area for Coca-Cola Kurve. One cool thing was that the diversion is along the old pit lane, and not may people get to drive down that lane. Plus there is a grandstand just above it that had thousands of people in it watching the DTM races. I was shown the proper racing line and for the most part I stuck to it for most of the lap. I screwed up at Breidsheid really bad, way too late. I botched Pflanzgarten a little, and screwed up Schwalbenschwanz passing a MK5 GTI.

The car I’m driving is a 2005 SLK 200 6sp, it’s a rental so it had the base suspension and all season tires so it was a bit soft and wallowy, but it handles very well and has good balance, the brakes are very powerful and never faded once even after two back to back laps (about 20 minutes of track time). I left the stability control on at first but it allows quite a bit of sliding before activating so I just left it on the entire time. The car has 168hp and weighs just under 2900lbs. A Mercedes that weighs under 3000lbs? :eek: I wish we could get this model in the US, the old SLK came with a 4 banger, why can’t this one? It was a nice little car. And I mean LITTLE! Not much bigger than the new MX-5. We drove all the way to Munich in it and reached an indicated 240kph on the Autobahn (and STILL got passed by an RS-6, an A8, and an SL65 AMG, saw two of those)

Anyway here’s the video, it has an intro piece from Jeremy Clarkson and some other stuff I added. It’s about 54mb .wmv…

linky no worky :gotme:

Ok, should work now.

You looked pretty smooth.
I have seen many driving/racing videos on here and this the first one that displayed any skill.
What kind of experience do you have?

Thanks, I’m really not pushing the car too much. Autocross and track day experience mostly, and a lot of reading about driving technique. my race car is ready so some real wheel to wheel racing coming soon.

Here is an autocross highlight vid of the last 4 years or so…

BTW - still hate you for driving the ring.

yea i was going to watch, but it said 14 mins. was how long hte vid. was…and im pretty sure that in GT4 i can run it in 7ish minutes…so im not going to waste my time with your poor skills…
…hahahah, im jp dude. i just didnt feel like watching it, it was going to take forever to load…

…oh yea and i still hate you too…nurburger

Actual lapime was about 10:30. My best laptime was on Saturday afternoon, it was about 9:30, take off 15 seconds for the detour to get an accurate ring time.