My NX on a poster and T.V!!

About 2 weeks ago, the local police officer asked me if they could use my NX in their “ERASE program”. Its the program to get kids to stop street racing. So the photographer snaped a couple of pics of my newly painted NX,and a lot Camaro. Well on the news today my poster was used in the backgroud of the officers interview.

Its about half way through the report. Let know what you think!

the reporter is hot, im a sucker for brown girls :stuck_out_tongue:

it’s really hard to make out your car in that video, do u have a picture of the poster?

I will soon. That was the kick off,so when I get them in…im posting them up!

damn thing wont open… i wanna see it grrr

Really? I just tried and I worked


i just saw it on the news on TV, lol

see it’s idiots like that should be ticketed and banned

not the average car nut who wants to make his/her car look nice and just drive it around.

People who modded their car =/= street racers. :{
I felt like a criminal when driving my own car now…gee…

I agree 100%. There are people out there who just mod cars to go fast on the street. then smart people who mod there cars for themselves and the track:R

the news reporter got owned in the racing game lmao

but the article made me wanna punch a cop… im sorry… but 38 deaths in the gta since 1999 are nothing… why not ****in try to protect the streets of robbery, shootings, and additional crime. Why not try to stop the guy who goes into a conveniance store or liqour store and buys ciggerettes or liquour for underaged teens… y not stop serious crime… Im sorry to say this… but **** the 38 people who died… they must’ve been idiots. They give people like us a bad name and then we gotta feel the after effects of their actions or the people they chill with actions… its bullshit… im sorry but people who mod there car, pay a lot of money for it, they pay the business, and although the business might cut u a deal here and there, the business still pays property tax, which generally goes to the government, the government allows this to happen because they know there is performance shops out there and they know that people are gonna tune, so they get their cut, then they **** us over… its just like allowing gun stores to be open after many deadly shootings from 1999 - 2007… shit i wished they compared those death tolls to “street racing”

she coulda made that turn in the simulation game… but she goes head on into the wall on purpose… proof ---- her speed declines until she faces the wall directly… and if u look close ull notice the speedometer (digital) will increase making her crash head on into the wall…

lmao! I think you have watched that video more than I have. LOL!

that’s not the same video as before, the reporter looks even hotter in that one! :stuck_out_tongue: