My parked vehicle was hit by bicyclist....

This is certainly a story you don’t hear every day, but glad to see it’s getting sorted. On another note, I’ve taken out a side view mirror before on my bike (before I could drive). Sliced up my forearm pretty well, but I also made sure to stop at the person’s house right on the spot to let them know my random act of stupidity for the day.


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Stupid or not you knew right from wrong… you didn’t question your mistake and you owned up like a person should.

That’s good to hear you got to talk with the guy and a possible fix on your truck without insurance.

On that note, I don’t get why some people are so fast to just give up on something and go claim it on their insurance. 1. you pay your deductible which is money you didn’t need to spend before someone else damaged your property. 2. This now becomes a claim on your insurance no matter the amount. 3. If you want the damages fixed/going to get them fixed and someone just runs without saying a thing after causing damage to your property… fight them so you don’t pay for the problem someone else caused.

Is it frustrating, without a doubt I’m sure it is. But for some, that may be a car payment or mortgage payment to fix the damages.