My poor Rabbit

Well, the past Friday, i was driving down Red Maple on my way onto 16th (its that little street thats just east of the bridge, right before the small school. And as i was entering the “L” curve right infront of the bridge, a 95/96 maxima comes in tight in my lane and i catch it in the driverside door.

When the cop comes, along with 2 firetrucks and an ambulance (the driver of the maxima, a woman of about 40 entered shock), after about 1 hour of reporting and information exchange, the cop calls me over, just to hand me a ticket, for “Driving, left of center on a curve.” Astounded i asked him if he saw where her car was positioned (still in the middle of the road, AFTER impact) and he replied with a no, but began cussing me off lecturing me about how i could have killed her and how it was my fault for driving too fast and how young drivers like me are the reason why most people are in the hospital.

Lucky for me, my friends in the car took pictures of the positions of the car right after impact when i was making sure the woman was okay. and its clear in them that she was clearly in the middle of the road.

Now my father, the Golf is registered under his name, offered the woman’s husband the deal of paying for his damages but for some reason, he insisted on claiming insurance. Which confused me, cause after looking over the report and information, this woman i hit, was a newer driver than i was. I’m just surprised that he wants to claim insurance.

Well, all in all, i’m just pissed that the cop wrote me up like that. Well, i dont blame him for being biased cause i’m young. But honestly, I dont think the cussing and threatening to write me up the criminal charge of “Dangerous Driving” was completely necessary.

Anyways, enough of the ranting. Here are some pics of my poor Rabbit.

Damn that really does suck. If A cop every cussed me for something that wasnt my fault i wouldnt take that shit and file a complaint or even a harrasment charge.

I sure hope you’re taking that ticket to court

Why would your dad offer to pay for her damages if it wasn’t your fault??

Eithor way, ALL cops are faggots. Yes ALL of them. FACT.

fight this ticket and shove it into the cops mouth when u win the court case and also get the maxima woman to pay for ur damages to ur golf…

woman dont know how to drive pissed me off the other day… i was driving and this RETARDED WOMAN completely stopped in front of a green light where u cant turn left no left lanes… omg retarded i was going 70 on hurontario 60zone and she stopped so suddenly i almost hit her ass… then i honk for like constant 20 seconds for the first time in like years so pissed off

It’s all that NAS you got in your golf :wink: He clearly mistook you for a street racer.
Anyway, I’d fight it, and stick it to the pig. Do not let this end up an at fault on your record. TRUST me, that shit will ruin your life. No matter how much of a pain it seems, fight this to the end, and make sure it doesn’t go down on you.

what a load of bullshit… the worst part isn’t that the cop was being such an asshole, but that you can’t do anything to prove him wrong, and once you can… it hardly even matters anymore.

fight that ticket to the end, i hate soccer moms and soccer dads. they probably just want to go through insurance to screw YOU over because you’re young. they can all choke on cock.

Fight it. It’s rediculous. Did they assign any demerit points?

I agree with Applesauce. All cops are fucking faggots.

You clearly said it, she is a newer driver than you are. This case is yours.


cops are fags, yea im gonna generalize cause most of them are and i know its not fair and i dont care cause theyr cops… traffic cops are fags… pigs… and so are soccer moms… they do a uturn on my drive way in their mini vans 5 times every day cause theres a school near by… i put a box on my driveway spraypainted 'fck you soccer mommy go do a proper 3 point turn and watch their kids ask them mommy whats f*ck… haha i dont care thats what you get for being annoying fcking cunt whores people who dont mind their own business get shot thats right thats how it is in toronto… no wonder people have guns haha… cops should go patrol guns and shit rather than giving kids tickets… oh well life is unfair… haha im silly i like it sometimes

This man should be Prime Minister lol. I’ve never seen profane language used to describe something so perfectly.

I just came back from a smoke to find this peice. The guy sumarized what I was venting off - while I had that cig. :shock:

Fight that shit in court.
What a joke. I can’t believe the treatment we get.
Those pics will really help your case, as if you really need it beyond your driving time compared to hers.

Sucks your Golf got wrecked.
I’m curious why you call it a Rabbit? The MKIV’s are all Golf, the MKV’s are Rabbit’s…

Honestly, with girls, Rabbit sounds cuter than Golf. And personally, i think Rabbit sounds FASTER than golf. XD

Well, i took it to ticketfighters today, and it apparently looks pretty good, cause the curve that the collision happened in, there was no center line. the line ended at the entrance and exit of the curve.

Pointts is the name of the people who are repping me. They seem to have a prettydecent rep as my aunt, who referred my family to them argued off 3 of 3 tickets.

Something that pissed me off with the cop was how, there was a witness at the scene, and he didnt put that down on the ticket he gave me. i’m like… HOLEE SH*T.

To be hoenst i do look pretty bad, 16 year old hitting 40 year old in the door. 40 year old goes into shock, then into ambulance then into emerg. Well, i called them back that night and thankfully she was okay.

Sad thing is, this was not MY car. i was listed as a 3rd driver, and because of this collision, my old man has “Lost all confidence” in me as a driver. WHich really sucks. He took my side on the incident cause it was the other woman at fault, but apparently, the fact that i was in an accident at all really pisses him off.

But, Rabbits out of the shop next week. And a court date should be set for 6-8 months from now.

Just some pictures of how far over the woman’s maxima was from her curb.

cops are pricks plus ur a guy. and u hit a woman they give them more credit and everyone knwos most women cant drive worth shit… take it to court and fight it. some cops like doing that … u got pics thats good u have it as proof.

so true …so true :D/

Well, from what i can see and what i felt. The things that need to be replaced are just headlights and driverside fender. The Front bumper looks salvageable with some paint and a hammer. The hood i’m not too sure of and the doors and alignment need to be checked, although everything felt fine when i drove it back to the garage. Although that grinding sound everytime i hit a bump really does scare me.

As it stands, its going to be very hard to switch all the blame to her. Considering my age, relatively short driving record, the woman i hit and where i hit her. Although looking to even out the fault to mutual is pretty probably. Although court date is 6-8 months away.

And for some reason, my girl decides that the name “Mr. Rabbit” is somehow cuter and faster than just “Rabbit”.

In case i do end up going to D-Ops, theres a chance, i dont know if i will, i probably wont be driving there. T-T

lol, I’ve driven through that corner plenty of times. She’s not that far from the curb, your fault completely.

take it to court, and tell the juge the cop was hurassing you, and was being biased because you are young, and not looking at what happend, and that he was more consen with give you a ticket.