My sponsored 78 shovelhead build thread

And you’re hooked.

Haha, yup that about sums it up.

Is that a meat-head version of LZ in the ring on the right?

His name is shamus or something. There was also a guy who looked a LOT like Skunkape.

lol wrestling live is the most depressing/hilarious event at once

Was it like Darwin’s waiting room in there? lol

Mr. Newman contacted my company because he was looking for the production of a sprocket adaptor. Originally it was to be water jet cut then CNC machined. after some thought, I suggested it could be made of 2 pieces with the top .100" feature being cut from thinner (.100") material then welded on top. Mr. Newman got back to me with a drawing of a 2 piece construction however the one feature would actaully be inlayed to the other piece offering more stability and strength. With our amazingly accurate Flow Mach 3 Dyanmic Head Water Jet we were able to cut very precise pieces to meet Mr. Newman’s design needs. All in all it was a fine display of how we here at Springville Mfg. have the ability to work successfully with customers to accomplish their manufacturing needs.
(You may notice the outer piece is machined, this was a very simple facing operation to meet the required thickness since we did not stock that particular thickness.)

well done Mike, I MIGHT be in-touch for some waterjet services for similar stuff and things shortly…

Thanks. Did you like my formal sales speak in that post? :slight_smile:

Who the fuck is Mr. Newman?

Part’s great. Thanks again!

Newman and blue eyed devil working together?



Part looks nice!

In that post I was trying to be all professional and shit. :wink:
Glad it worked out. Let me know if you need anything else.

I would say your Dad but he didn’t say Earl so I’m also confused. At this point he may be referring to your brother.

I had a sub 2 second canopy ride from terminal. :open_mouth:

Anyhow, I made up a temporary bracket to locate the turbo. (Ultimately a nice stainless plate will replace the “H”)

And then started doing a little exhaust planning. I’ll be getting a magneto, so that pretty much forces the front pipe to go under the side of the engine. Then i thought I’d merge the two pipes under the transmission area and feed the turbo from there.

It’s pretty simple, and I’m not opposed to something wacky or different, I’d be interested in seeing some other ideas. Here’s a blank sheet:

I think the way you have it mapped out is the only way that makes sense and would be efficient…especially if you want the pipes to be near equal in length. The location of the intake and exhaust ports are really limiting you…where are you planning foot controls to be? Might be able to do something wacky demending on where your legs are located if you consider placing the turbo someplace different

EDIT: I forget, are you running draw-through or blow-through on the carb?

Blow through. Looking to put my feet just above the black circle that’s inline w the crankshaft.

I dont know all the ins and outs here yet, my focus was wacky and different.

i lol’d

I’m certainly no engineer…but I definitely see some opportunity with this design…Provided there is a big loop section for your leg to get to the pegs.