my story

so we had a tornado wanring in brampton on what was it…thursday or wed…well whatever so im in brampton going south on hwy 10 by elgin. the light turns red. and as i stoped at the front of the group of cars watching people turn left and right off elgin onto 10, it started to pisss rain. like i mean badly…at that very moment of intence raining it became hell on the streets…the lights turned green on hwy 10 for me…i started to drive and about 3 fucking cars ran the red at elgin…i mean solid red…not amber to red it was solid for about 9seconds…as i had just almost died i was freaking out and honking at them drive by me…i started to go again…and some fuck beside me rips in front of me and into my lane(the left lane) and slows down to about 15km/h …i under stand its pissing but there is a highspeed on your wiper for a reason…and just then some other guy rite by petro on 10 shoppers world just pulled over on the effin left side of the road and some guy about 4 cars infront of me hit him…like comon…WE LIVE IN CANADA EXPECT SNOW AND RAIN If you dont feel safe driving in it…DONT Drive period lol

get used to it, sounds like a lot of experiences I’ve had… Its almost as if 240’s are invisible to everyone except the police…

i aint reading all dat.jpg

seems even the slightest rain make people drive slow as a mofo n yet their not a bit safe at all either

stop whining.

^^ who the hell is that guy?

PS - people on the road suck. especially in browntown

i know all about the brampton drivers haha…me driving behind my friend the other ay someone ran a red n was inches from tboning him…kinda scarey…