My very soon to be daily driven track toy!! Woot.

That thing sounds like fun! Don’t get me wrong, I have no problems with the rotary. The sound of race tuned bridge or periphal port on those things send shivers down my spine.

The debate of rotary vs the polar opposite v8 or jap vs muscle could go on forever. All of them have pros and cons. I love my sr’ed s14 and I love v8’s. There’s more than enough room to enjoy all kinds of motors. Just like all kinds of women.

End of the day, I’ve got a hard on for cheap tire shredding motors. I love the sound of a ford v8, especially the 302. I much prefer it to the gm sound. I’ve built a few mustangs and have always enjoyed the motor, just hated the chassis. I’ve likened it to a shoebox with a monster motor.

Best of both world here. Added on a couple of hundred pounds to the FC, but actually retained or improved weight distro. Its pretty well known that’s its all about where the weight is as opposed to what the weight is.